Chapter 5

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SIERRA WAVED AT THE women behind the front desk as she made her way to the back. Every time she went in, they stared at her with gaped mouths and shaky waves.

Kyle had been training her for a couple of weeks. He pushed her to the brink of passing out, but she liked it. The ache with every workout seemed to diminish, so he changed their routine more often than not to obtain more results.

After their small time together, she could see the difference in her body. Her arms weren't thin noodles anymore, now they had shape. Strong, small curves enhanced her biceps. Her legs slimmed down and started forming hard lines around her calves and on the side of her thighs. The bit of chub on her stomach disappeared; it was replaced by the faint lines of abs.

Sometimes when she stood naked in her bathroom, she couldn't believe that was her body.

Training with Kyle was the best thing to happen to her in a long time. Her mind was focused on the task at hand, and she rarely drifted off. She was healthier in both body and mind.

Every time she trained, she was grateful for Kyle. She would've stayed in a gray area without him; and, while she was fine with it, sometimes her mind would betray her. When she trained with Kyle, stress left her body, her mind sharpened, and she was no longer anxious.

It truly was a blessing.

"Ready for the worst one yet?" Kyle asked as she slipped inside.

"You've said that almost every time, and here I am," Sierra rolled her eyes as a smile tugged on the side of her mouth, "do your worst, baby."

Kyle set his jaw, but Sierra saw the humor in his eyes. As per usual, she let out a giggle and waited for further instructions.

"What?" She asked when all Kyle did was stare at her.

"Nothing." He shook his head before pointing to the mat, like every time. "Warm up."

Sierra sat down on the mat and let Kyle guide her. Her entire body was stretched after thirty minutes. Not a word was spoken between them, but Sierra caught him on more than one occasion staring at her. His eyes liked to find hers in between exercises, as if he wanted to say something to her, but then decided against it.

"You can do better than that, Sierra," Kyle told her, fixing her form. Her arms were extended towards the floor, right under her shoulders, as her feet were stretched behind in a plank position. However, every second she bent her arms doing, rather attempting, a push-up, she lost her form. It was her most disliked exercise. She preferred to build her arms using weights.

Kyle's hands gripped her waist and pulled her back a bit to stretch her posture. Her legs started shaking and her arms burned. Sierra bit the inside of her cheek as she continued going up and down. Her arms shook along with her legs to the point where she feared she would collapse.

When she completed the one-hundred push-ups, she pushed herself to her knees and looked up at Kyle. He pointed to the floor in front of her and she wanted to protest.

"A hundred more. Make sure you're in the right position."

"Fine," she breathed out. She stretched back into the dreadful position, making sure her legs, arms, and back were correctly situated before starting once again.

Sierra gritted her teeth. Her body burned from head to toe. It was as painful as it was refreshing.

"Come on, you can go faster than this," Kyle said, snapping his fingers.

She picked up the pace. Her arms ached more than she could ever imagine. Her face and neck turned red as she heaved. She didn't dare stop. She continued until her push-ups count made it to one-hundred. After doing the last one, she collapsed onto her stomach, groaning.

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