Chapter 4

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THE DOOR-BELL RANG continuously, bringing a genuine smile to Sierra's face. She swung open the front door to come face to face with none other than Scarlet.

"Hey!" She came in and flopped right on her couch, putting her legs up on the small coffee table. Sierra chuckled at her antics but followed suit, readying herself for a whole night of gossip and loads of pizza.

"Ready for the perfect date?" Sierra asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Scarlet started cracking up.

The joke went back to their Winter Bay High days. They had a conversation once over what would constitute the perfect date. After much debate, they both settled and agreed that it would be hanging out and eating pizza. It then became a tradition after graduation that whenever someone slept over, they would have a perfect date with each other, much to Jake's dismay.

That day was no exception.

"Did you order it?" Scarlet asked, referring to the pizza.

"Should be here any minute."


"In the fridge."

"It really is the perfect date," Scarlet sighed. She placed her hands under her cheeks and looked to a random corner with a dazed look in her eyes. Sierra couldn't help laughing.

After a couple of minutes, they started talking about what was happening in the world, their classes, work life, everything. Sierra got comfortable in the corner of her couch as Scarlet spoke about her opinion on the recent politics of the country.

Sierra liked to be informed about politics, she liked to be aware of her surroundings, but sometimes if she watched the news regarding it, she grew nervous. Her mind had a knack for finding the negative in everything, and oftentimes it overpowered her. Watching the news unfold about the current political turmoils always got her down. She preferred to stay distanced for the most part.

It was better to hear it from Scarlet most of the time. Her uncensored words gave her a more comical approach to the recent events, which helped ease her mind. However, sometimes the news were too heartbreaking, and no matter how hard Scarlet tried to censor it for her, she fell deeper into the hole until she got strong enough to come back up.

"Honestly, complete bullshit." Scarlet rolled her eyes concluding her political rant. Sierra laughed, relieved that it wasn't so bad to bring her down, but it was angering. No matter where one stood politically, there was always something that'd bring anger.

"Anyway, I was at Red's Diner the other day, Jake and I were craving their brownie sundae, and I saw a girl chatting Milo up." Scarlet smirked over at Sierra.

"What?" Sierra gasped and clasped a hand to her mouth.

"Mhm," Scarlet snapped her fingers, "Milo got girls begging for him. He can't say he can never find anyone. I saw it. Jake saw it. He's doomed."

Sierra giggled at the thought.

Milo liked to complain about his lack of game, especially after Gwenn got in a relationship with Ronan. Milo lamented not being able to find a good woman to have by his side. However, he was the type to reject every girl that even tried to come near him. Scarlet simply got more proof of the matter.

The door-bell rang again, but this time Scarlet sprang towards it. Sierra was about to protest, but Scarlet narrowed her eyes, looking down-right murderous, so she sank back onto the couch.

The smell of pizza radiated around the small apartment, making Sierra's stomach grumble. Scarlet pranced in and placed the pizza on the small coffee table.

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