A Special Thanks!

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I cannot believe this story is done. It seems like yesterday I started planning for this, and here we are.

As usual, I always end these books with a special thanks, and I'm not going to disregard that in this one.

First, I obviously gotta thank the one and only, @peachysweetbee. You have no idea how happy it made me to read all of your comments, here and on Instagram, hyping up my story. It encouraged me so much to share this story with the world.

To all my silent readers, and I know there are a couple around (I see my data 👀), thank you for still reading my story. I may not know if you enjoyed it or even finished, but it makes me happy that someone out there took the time to read even a part.

To those random voters, thank you for encouraging me to continue sharing this little story. Every time I saw a notification it made me smile. Thank you.

Finally, I want to say that Book Four of The Forever Diaries is in the first stages of prep. I don't know how long it'll take me to draft it, but just know it's coming.

Everything will be announced through my profile, so don't forget to follow me!

Right now, I'm finishing up my fantasy story The Traitor of Inlustris. After careful consideration, I decided to stop posting it, re-write some stuff, and extend it to novel-length. More news on that coming up.

Thanks again for sticking around!

EDIT: A little disclaimer - I have included new banners at the end of each chapter, but that has been the only change so far. I took inspiration from a few writers here on Wattpad who also have banners at the end of their stories, so this idea is most definitely not mine.

Forever Glamorous is out now!

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