Chapter 27

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NEEDLESS TO SAY, HER sleep was cut shorter than expected.

Milo fidgeted around her apartment, red in the face, and stuttered every time he opened his mouth. Sierra sat down on her couch, watching him freak out. She wondered if that's how crazy she seemed to her friends whenever she had a breakdown.

Seeing as her breakdown's were far worse than a crush, she must look like a lunatic each time.

"Sierra, I don't know what to do," he cried. He buried his face in his hands, grabbing his messy dark hair in his fists. "I shouldn't even be catching feelings for her."

"Who is it?" She asked.

He turned to her and got redder, if possible. He shook his head, so she dropped the idea of trying to get the name out of him.

"She's so perfect," he whined, and flopped beside her on the couch.

"No one's perfect," she said, caressing his back.

"I know," he mocked, "but when you like someone, you see them as perfect for you, you know?" Sierra nodded. Immediately she thought of Kyle, which brought a blush to her cheeks.

"Why don't you tell her?" Sierra asked. "You never know what could happen."

"She has a boyfriend," he whispered. He leaned his head on her shoulder and sighed. "I need to forget about her, but everything reminds me of her. And then I see her with her boyfriend all the time and it makes me sick. What does he have that I don't?"

"The girl," she snorted. He gave her a side eye, so she tried to contain her laughter.

"I came here hoping for your help, but all you're doing is making me feel worse," he pouted.

"Milo, you're not here for my help. You're here to vent. So vent. There isn't much I can do unless I know who the girl is."

"I'm not telling you who it is because you like trouble. You'll probably make me and her get into impossible situations together just for your enjoyment."

Sierra rolled her eyes, but smirked to herself. She knew damn well that was exactly what she would do. It would be for her own personal amusement, but it could help Milo have alone time with whoever the girl was. Being in awkward situations is what makes up great stories for the future, and what more could a relationship want than funny stories to share?

"How'd you realize you liked her?" She asked.

"I just looked at her...and I knew I wanted to be beside her for the rest of my life." Milo groaned and covered his face with his hands.

Sierra was miles away thinking. His face was there in front of her. His smile was subtle, yet enough for her to smile back. His brown eyes glistened with amusement as she whined about her arms. He shook his head and ordered her to do a hundred more pull ups.

"When she laughs, I swear I hear angels," Milo continued.

He threw his head back, laughing at whatever sarcastic comment she made. The way his eyes lit up as his lids practically closed just as he smiled blew her away.

"Whenever she leaves, I feel so empty. I just want to see her again."

He stood up from his seat at the table. He did the dishes after they had a delicious dinner, and told her he had to leave. She pouted, not wanting him to leave yet. He smiled but said he had a quiz to do for the next day that couldn't wait. He gave her a hug before taking his stuff and leaving. When he closed the door, she ached for him to come back, but she knew he had responsibilities to take care of.

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