Chapter 29

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WHEN SHE CHANGED INTO her workout clothes and made it to the room, Kyle pointed to the mat without a single word. She silently obeyed, knowing the usual warm up routine by heart.

She stretched every limb of her body as Kyle watched. She wasn't sure, but she felt like he was seething. She was too afraid to ask.

For the first time since the first day they met, he was the ruthless trainer everyone spoke about. The one they whispered about in the halls. The one they tried not to get in the way of. The one they feared.

She wasn't afraid of him, but it was intimidating to be in the same place as him. His aura was all around her, engulfing her. The tension suffocated her.

Either that or she just needed to sleep.

"Cardio. Let's go."

Sierra stood up at his orders. He ordered her around to do different demanding exercises, which she was not used to doing after he had gone soft on her. Her body trembled as she bent her knees to do a wall sit. She was winded when he told her to stop. She was happy to take a break, but he pointed to the stair climber in the corner.

She spent about ten minutes doing the repeated motion of going up stairs. Her legs were burning, and she relished it. When he pointed to the kettlebells next, she was panting and heaving.

Regardless, she followed through with his orders. She picked up an eighteen pound kettlebell with both of her hands. She looked over at Kyle, waiting to be told what she was meant to be doing. There were various exercises done with kettlebells.

"Swing," he grunted.

She nodded and began swinging. She bent her knees in a squat position, and swung the kettlebell in between her legs. When it came back, she thrusted her hips forward and stood tall as the kettlebell reached her eye-level. As it started descending, she bent her knees again.

She started heaving once again. Her arms ached so much. She wondered when Kyle would tell her to stop, but he just stood in a corner watching her perform the exercise over and over again.

The kettlebell kept swinging in front of her face. Sweat trickled down her body as if it was crying over what she was putting it through. Her vision blurred randomly, which made her dizzy.

"Oshiro," someone called out from the door.

"Keep doing this," Kyle said before leaving to the door.

From what she could hear, it was one of the other male trainers. She couldn't understand what they were saying because everything was kind of hazy. She didn't think much of it.

She kept swinging.

Her vision became blurry for a couple of seconds before it went back to normal again. She heaved and continued.

The two trainers kept talking by the door. She wanted to listen in to what they were saying, but the more she concentrated on getting more information, the dizzier she became.

Would Kyle be negotiating with another trainer to take her instead? What if for the first time it wasn't a trainee switching, it was a trainer?

Her heart dropped as she continued swinging the kettlebell. Her arms screamed with all of the exertion. Her breaths came out in puffs. Her chest burned so much that she didn't know how much she would continue with life after that workout was over.

The kettlebell went back and forth continuously.

Was he trying to get rid of her?

She bent her knees and straightened her spine.

Was he tired of her?

Her breaths became ragged.

Did she screw up so badly?

The weight of the kettlebell seemed to have left her arms. A loud bang caught her attention, but she couldn't see what happened. She couldn't see at all. Her head was light and her body felt warm.




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