Chapter 17

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Sierra rolled her eyes at Kyle, but he pushed further. That morning, she woke up to someone knocking on her door. She fixed herself in a haste to open the door to a delivery boy. He handed her an order of food and went on his way. She placed the contents on her table and remembered how Kyle told her he had ordered her breakfast the night before.

"Yes, I ate," she said. He looked relieved before pointing to the mat, as always. She smiled and sat down. "I feel bloated." She sported a good pout, but he dismissed her telling her to start stretching her calves.

"Sierra?" Kyle crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What made you want a trainer? Why did you want to workout?"

She stopped stretching to look up at him. His expression was unreadable. She felt like he was on the cusp of another lecture that she was going to dismiss and only listen to what she wanted.

"I wanted to challenge myself," she finally said.


"What do you mean why?"

"Why do you want to challenge yourself?" She didn't know how to answer. "Why are you here, Sierra?"

"Do you want me to leave? Is that it?" Sierra retorted.

"No!" He scratched his forehead. "Sierra, we need to communicate about what you want with training. I want to be able to target what you want and work from there."

"I just want someone to help me workout correctly. Like we've been doing this whole time."

Kyle nodded and dropped the subject. Sierra bit the inside of cheek wanting to bawl her eyes out.

Why was he so adamant at wanting to know what she wanted? She wanted to distract herself from her never-ending list of problems. She wanted to leave those problems at the door of the gym and revisit them later because she wanted to live without them for at least an hour. She wanted to silence her loud brain, even if for a little bit.

"Come on, hop on the treadmill," Kyle ordered.

She did as told and watched him set it up for her. There wasn't any steepness, so she would just have to jog on the flat surface. The speed wasn't as fast as she would have liked, but she wasn't going to argue with him. For all she knew, he was getting her body ready for an intense workout

Except the intense workout never came. He ordered her around as usual, but the exercises weren't as demanding as other times. She didn't feel her body shake once. She wasn't even that sweaty either. She felt like she wasted her time.

"Okay, you're free to go," Kyle said.


"What? Want more time with me?" His eyes sparkled. She chuckled.

"Are you...okay?" She managed to say. "You're not, I don't know, acting normal."

"I should be asking you that." He laughed. "Go home and rest, Sierra, you need it."

Sierra was about to say something else when another trainer popped his head in the room. She bit down on her words as he asked for the room. She didn't bother saying anything else to Kyle, and left. Maybe she could find something to do back at her apartment.

She left The Gain feeling confused, annoyed, and mystified. That workout did nothing for her. Why was Kyle slacking off? She was pumped up to walk out as if she'd beat up an entire army of men single-handedly. Instead she walked out like she went for a fifteen minute walk to the park.

She shook herself out of her reverie and started her car. She would just have to ask him later, if anything. She wasn't going to corner him into telling her something he didn't want to talk about. That would be cruel to do. If he wanted to wallow in whatever was going on his head, then so be it. She wallowed in her pain too.

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