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"My actual name is Jasper Hale, but I do like the nickname. 'History cowboy'," Jasper says, exiting his hiding spot from behind the bush. Tatum lets out a huge breath of air that she had been keeping in. Jasper didn't know how scared she was until he heard her heartbeat going like crazy. Jasper takes a step closer to her and accidentally forgets there is another person there until Avery whimpers again.

Tatum turns away from Jasper to console her nephew. She strokes his hair in a lovingly way, patting his back to a certain rhythm that Jasper couldn't quite put his finger on. Tatum wipes the small tear that escapes Avery's eye before he starts hiccupping from being so scared. Jasper watches the two with an emotion unfamiliar to himself. He knew he needed to speak to Esme about this once he got home unless Alice tells all his siblings before he does.

"Petit harison, it's alright. This is Jasper. Je lui fais confiance," Tatum whispers soothingly to him. She rubs his back to calm him down and listens as his hiccups start to calm down. Jasper didn't understand the small French words she was saying, but apparently, Avery did.

The toddler nods his head and rubs both his eyes before sniffing a little. Avery peers over his aunt's shoulder to look at the tall dirty blonde with hair that curls in ways that seemed too perfect. Avery side-steps his aunt before accidentally stumbling over absolutely nothing. Jasper is very quick to catch Avery by the bicep and helps him stand up straight.

"Thanks, Jasper. Tripping over nothing seems to run in the family," Tatum chuckles softly, ignoring the way he looks down at the two in something mixed between confusion and adoration. Tatum fixes Avery's messy hairy by smoothing it out with her own hand, a way to keep herself from staring at Jasper. But it wasn't like he wasn't staring at her at that exact moment.

Avery tugs on Tatum's jean shorts very carefully and waits until she gives him her full attention before pointing at her and Jasper before blowing a kiss. Tatum's eyes widen and her breathing stops for a second or two. She knew exactly what he was trying to imply.

"No, no we aren't- We don't- God, how do I explain this?" Tatum hesitates and panics which is now somewhat normal. Jasper stays confused as to what the small child was trying to ask and why Tatum was feeling waves of embarrassment. Avery looks up at his aunt with confusion before asking his question again.

"No kissy?"

Jasper's eyes widen as Tatum's cheeks burn violently. She cups her red cheeks to avoid Jasper seeing them. Avery was still very confused and wanted clarification. He grabs his aunt's hand and pulls her towards Jasper before suddenly stumbling away from the tall man. He forgot he was scared of the tall man for a second.

Jasper squats down, gracefully balanced, and looks at Avery. The toddler nervously takes a step forward towards Jasper before noticing the eldest's eye color. Avery's face lights up with curiosity and he rushes towards Jasper. He places his tiny hands on Jasper's cheeks so he can see the immortal's eyes better.

"Eggy eyes!" Avery squeals happily and throws his hands into the air. Tatum laughs softly while Jasper breaks out into a small smile. He couldn't remember the last time he had interacted with a small child, but he really missed it.

"I'm Jasper Hale. I'm a friend of your sister," Jasper says, making Tatum snicker. Jasper looks at the two before his eyes widen and he looks down at her stomach for a millisecond. Tatum crosses her arms over her midsection and shakes her head with an amused expression.

"He's my nephew, Jasper. I've never been pregnant," Tatum laughs softly. Jasper lets out a small sigh of relief. He was so glad he didn't have to explain to his family that his crush had a three-year-old. Jasper smiles embarrassingly at Tatum as Avery just dances around the two.

"God, you are such a dork," Tatum says, shoving him playfully. Jasper intentionally falls onto his butt, giving Tatum a small, teasing glare. She laughs lightly and extends her hand out for him to take, he quickly welcomes the tingly effect she gives off whenever they touch.

"You like my dorkiness, though."

"That I do, Mr. Hale."

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