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Jasper stays with Avery and Tatum until the sun begins to set. Jasper offers to take them to his house and then drive them to their home. He was currently trying to convince Tatum to follow him. He already had Avery sitting on his shoulders, absolutely in love with the older man. 

"My mom has been wanting to cook someone an actual meal for a long time anyway," Jasper says, ducking low so Avery doesn't get hit by a branch. Tatum crosses her arms and goes to speak just after Jasper realizes his mistake. "My family is on a diet where we eat stuff that doesn't need to be cooked and she misses preparing dinner for people."

Tatum rolls her eyes and lets out an annoyed huff before trudging along after the two males. They walk for like fifteen minutes before a clean and pristine house comes into view. Tatum gapes and gently grabs Jasper's arm, making him stop and look at her.

"Tatum, everything okay?" Jasper asks worriedly, keeping ahold on Avery's legs while still placing a hand on Tatum's cheek to see if she had any injuries he needed to run away from. He viewed no injuries and decided to just keep staring at her. Tatum nods and puts her hand over Jasper's, pulling it away from her cheek but not letting go of it.

"Yeah, I just didn't know you guys were that rich. I would've cleaned up a little beforehand," Tatum says, running her free hand through her tangly hair. Jasper lets go of her one hand to grab the other, he pulls her hand towards his lips and kisses her knuckles very softly. Tatum's cheeks burn painfully hot and she covers her cheek with the freehand Jasper wasn't holding onto. 

"Auntie Tommy- toes!" Avery squeals poking his cheeks in reference to his aunt's. Jasper and Tatum smile and laugh at the cuteness of Tatum's nephew. Jasper gently pulls Tatum towards the house and she simply complies. Jasper opens the front door and slips off his shoes, gesturing for her to do the same. As Tatum unties and slides her shoes off, Jasper carefully unstraps and removes Avery's shoes, placing the tiny shoes next to his bigger ones.

"Jasper, is that you?" an angelic female asks from another room. Jasper smiles, still not taking Avery off his shoulders. The oldest of the three grabs Tatum's hand and leads her to the kitchen. A woman with perfectly curled, dark brown hair was mixing something in a metal pan. Jasper's 'twin' sister and adoptive sister. 


A small flash goes off towards the three in the doorway. Alice pulls the camera away from her face and smiles at the picture on the screen. Esme looks away from the metal pan and immediately smiles at the two newcomers with her son.

"Ah, you must be Tatum Fernsby and who is this cutie?" Esme asks, walking towards Tatum, Jasper, and Avery. She tickles Avery's chubby, little toes and smiling wider as the three-year-old giggles loudly. Rosalie's head snaps to gaze at Avery, her eyes soften immensely. She stands up and walks over towards the four. 

"May I hold him?" Tatum nods at Rosalie's request and helps Jasper get Avery off his shoulders. She hands the toddler off to Rosalie who happily holds onto him gently. Esme smiles at the heartwarming sight of Rosalie so happy. Emmett walks into the room and freezes at the sight of his 'girlfriend' holding a human baby. 

"Uh, who's child is that, Rose?" Emmett asks. Rosalie smiles and nods her head in Tatum's direction. Emmett looks at Jasper and Tatum before faking a cough and gesturing to talk to Jasper alone. Tatum notices the looks between her and Avery.

"Uhm isn't my child either. He's my nephew," Tatum clarifies in a friendly matter. Emmett nods and walks towards Rosalie before staring at the child. Avery lets his attention wander from Rosalie for a second before looking at the big, burly man in front of him. Avery giggles and holds his hand out to Emmett. The bear-like vampire instantly gushes over the child, softly poking the child's stomach making the two laugh. Emmett turns towards Tatum while Avery plays with his giant fingers.

"Do you two want to come over more often?"

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