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September 17th

Tatum didn't understand why, but when she woke up; she was mostly warm but only her hand was ice cold. She opens her eyes to see her nephew cuddled up into Jasper's chest. One hand stroking Avery's back and the other holding her hand, swiping his thumb across her knuckles repeatedly.

He didn't know she was awake by the way he just kept his eyes on Avery. Without either of their knowledge, a click and flash go off from Jasper's door. Alice stands in the doorway, looking down at Tatum's camera.

"I hope you don't mind, I saw you with it the other day and thought you might want to remember this," Alice says, looking Tatum in the eye with her angelic smile. Tatum smiles groggily at her and shrugs. She turns on her side and stuffs her face in the pillow again. She hears the door close and a quiet chuckle comes from beside her.

"C'mon, darlin'. It's time to wake up," Jasper cooes to her, running his fingers calmingly through her hair. Tatum groans contently at the feeling of him playing with her hair, she moves her head to look Jasper in the eye. She notices her nephew still dead asleep.

"What time is it?"

"7:30," Jasper says, smiling down at her. He removes his hand from hers to slide a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Her eyes widen and she shoots up from the bed. She grabs Avery's backpack and softly wakes up her nephew.

"He's supposed to be at my house by 7:45," Tatum explains to Jasper who just nods and helps wake the sleepy toddler. Jasper brings up that Rosalie would love to take Avery to her house. Tatum agrees and lets Jasper give Avery to Rosalie. Tatum herself starts to get ready, walking into the hallway bathroom. She looks in the mirror and groans, squishing her cheeks together.

"I feel like today is gonna be a long day."


Arriving at school was very exciting, to say the least

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Arriving at school was very exciting, to say the least. When the Cullen's cars pulled up, it was a usual day. Until Jasper walks to the back door, opens it, and helps Tatum out of the cramped car. She smiles sweetly at him, thanking him quietly. The two try to nonchalantly admire the other.


The girl on hand looks towards Keith, who had called her name. Keith was leaning against his 2005 Silverado, waving towards Tatum with a fake smile. He knew he was pulling them away from each other. He just didn't realize that not only was Jasper glaring at him but the rest of Jasper's family was, too.

"I'll see you in history?" Tatum asks, turning back to Jasper. His glare immediately drops and he looks down at her. He unintentionally lets a small smirk cross his face before nodding his head.

"Tatum, are you and Bailey going to sit with us today?" Rosalie asks stiffly uncomfortable of all the eyes on Tatum. Tatum shakes her head and frowns softly, she quickly glances at Jasper before looking back at his twin.

"Bailey isn't as used to you guys as I am. She's been cautious ever since Avery," Tatum whispers to Rosalie with a small frown. Rosalie nods understandingly, even if she didn't have the empathic powers her adoptive twin did, she could feel the anxiety and stress radiating off the teen mother.

"Maybe you should bring her along to our house then!" Alice interrupts, jumping next to Tatum. The latter smiles and nods before turning back to Jasper. She grabs one of his hands and gives it a squeeze.

"I'm gonna go, see you later."

"Ditchin' us already, Fern Tree?" Emmett jokes, wrapping his arm around Rosalie's shoulders, walking towards the group. Tatum chuckles and rolls her eyes. She pushes Emmett's bicep and he has to fake being pushed to keep up the act.

"Yeah, totally. Uh, I'll see y'all later!" Tatum says, noticing her dad's car pull-up into the round-about. She neglected Emmett's nickname for her, jogging towards her sister. The Cullen's and Rosalie watch as Jasper looks after his crush.

"Is that her hair scrunchie?" Edward asks, gesturing to the red velvet scrunchie that had fallen from Tatum. Alice nods before instantly smiling and grabbing it. She admires it before her eyes glaze over for a few seconds. Her vision stops and her eyes unglaze. She looks up at Jasper with a smirk before grabbing Jasper's wrist and sliding the hair scrunchie onto it.

"You'll want to keep this safe."

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