trente cinq

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December 14th

Tatum wakes up to a familiar finger tracing shapes on her uncovered legs and she hears an even more familiar giggle as a warmer, smaller finger copies the other. She flips her hair from over her eyes so she can admire her two favorite boys playing with her skin. Jasper discreetly meets her gaze and smirks before looking back at the babbling toddler.

"What time is it?" she asks groggily.

"About nine a.m," Alice says, making Tatum jump a little as she walks into the room with a small glass of milk and a cup of coffee. "Come with me, I have clothes you can wear."

Tatum sits up and takes a look outside. It was hardcore blizzarding outside, there was no way she or Avery could drive home in this. So, Tatum follows Alice upstairs and into the 'fairy princess'' room.

After getting dressed, Tatum admires how much of a pretty hobo she looks like

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After getting dressed, Tatum admires how much of a pretty hobo she looks like. She also wonders how Alice owns these clothes. I mean, it's Alice. Tatum returns downstairs and sees Alice still holding the coffee cup, Jasper helping Avery drink out of the bigger milk cup, and Esme playing with Avery in between sips. 

"Tatum! You look so cute! Here's some coffee, Jazz said that you like yours with milk instead of creamer. So, if it tastes funky, blame him and not me," Alice says, making everyone look at Tatum in the slightly baggy sweatshirt.

"Nice hoodie, where'd you get it," Emmett says, walking in and smirking. "Or should I ask who's it is?"

The statement leaves Tatum confused, Edward and Alice share a look. Jasper admires her with a euphoric look. She knew she'd have to ask him about it later, but for now, she was happy with her coffee. It tasted perfect.

Tatum sips the coffee religiously and takes her seat back next to Jasper, smiling as he swings his arm behind her. The two 'lovebirds' don't notice that every eye in the room was watching them.

"Hey, Jazz. Did you get your homework done?" Alice asks, slyly. She knew how this was going to end, she just needed to give a little tap. Jasper rolls his eyes, but gets up and hands Avery over to Rosalie. Jasper heads over to the stairs, stopping at the bottom before turning back around.

"Tatum, do you want to help me?"

She looks to the other family members, using their reaction as a response. They were all nodding eagerly, making Jasper hard-core roll his eyes at each of them. Tatum shrugs and heads after Jasper, doing a couple of jog steps to catch up with the tall Texan. 

The two walk to his bedroom, her immediately retreating to the leather couch in the corner as Jasper grabs his backpack. The latter joins her on the couch and sits very close to the human. Tatum watches as he grabs a notebook, a pen, and a textbook from the backpack before setting it aside. 

"So, what homework do I need to 'help you with'?" Tatum asks, laying her legs across Jasper's lap. The Texan stiffens, licks his lips, and decides to take a risk. He swiftly pulls her closer to him, to the point where she's basically sitting on his lap. Her breathing stops until she sees the devilish smirk sitting pretty on his pale lips. 

"You must really like me," Tatum says, speaking before thinking. She didn't know where she was going with those words. Jasper raises his eyebrow, still smirking like the devil he is. 

"Why would you say that?" Jasper asks, listening as her heart beats faster and faster. He thought it was just so adorable that he made her feel that way. He unintentionally looks her up and down, only realizing his action when she shifts under his gaze. He places his hand just above her knee, sending a sense of calm through her.

"I...I have no idea," Tatum says, sucking in a deep breath. The, now familiar, tingles go down her spine. She straightens her back and looks him in the eye, attempting to give him a false sense of confidence. "I-I just kinda thought-"

"I'm not saying your wrong, darlin'." 

"Do you like me?" Tatum asks, waiting nervously for his reply.

"Do you like me back?" Jasper says, confusing the poor girl. She furrows her eyebrows together, trying to decipher his words. Was he confirming his attraction? Was he turning the question on her as a way to get out of saying it? She was so confused.


Jasper knew he shouldn't do it.

He knew he was gonna be in trouble.

Big trouble.

He knew he was gonna upset someone. 

But he kissed her anyway.

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