quarante huit

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January 16th

Isabella was coming today

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Isabella was coming today. Tatum had told Jasper about her touring job of the day and he had offered to drive her in. Of course, she had told him yes. So, she was currently doing her hair when he had arrived 15 minutes earlier than he had told her. She started hurrying up and they were soon out of the door and on their way to school. Of course, he had brought his motorcycle. 

She quickly got on and latched onto him tightly, she wasn't completely sure with the idea but she trusted him anyways. Soon enough, her fear had subsided and they had made it to school safely. She noticed a rusted truck pull in a couple of seconds after them, a girl with chestnut brown hair gets out and she can only assume that's Isabella. Tatum kisses Jasper's cheek sneakily and leaves him stunned as she skates over to Isabella.

"Isabella Swan?"

"T-That's me, but I prefer Bella," the chestnut brunette stutters. Tatum reaches out and shakes her hand. 

"Cool! Well, Bella, I'm your tour guide for today. I'll be taking you around the school and helping you find your way around," Tatum says, making Bella smile softly. "I'm Tatum, by the way, I was new at the beginning of the year."

"So you did just fine?" Bella asks. "Like, you made friends easily and stuff?"

"I mainly hung out with my sister, but she's been gone for a while so I did make some friends. I have a couple of people I'm acquainted with, but otherwise, I hang out with a specific group of people," Tatum says, quickly realizing how bad it sounded. "But, I also don't talk to people I don't know so I was kind of closed off. You know?"

Bella nods her head and her eyes drift to her coat pocket where her phone was. Tatum noticed and wanted to roll her eyes, but she knew better. Bella didn't want to ignore her, she just felt uncomfortable. 

"Okay, Bella, this is the main school entry. I advise using the side doors if you're uncomfy with large crowds."

"Uncomfy?" Bella asks. She had a feeling her tour guide was a strange one, but she didn't know she was that strange. 

"Alright, you caught me. I'm having a weird morning and I haven't had coffee yet so I might as well warn you. I will be over hyper and excited. We can stop by the cafeteria if need be," Tatum says cautiously. Just as she says so, Jasper's motorcycle 'vrooms' up to the two, making Bella jump back. He had his helmet on, for show, as he handed Tatum a coffee. 

"Alice told me, here's your coffee, m'lady."

"Perfect. Thank you, hun," Tatum says, accepting the hot coffee from his cold hands. He wanted to kiss her but he also remembered that there was company. He playfully salutes and starts driving away, back to where the other Cullens were(in the back of the parking lot). 

Bella watches in utter shock and confusion as Tatum takes a sip of her coffee. Was that a normal thing here? If so, where could she find a delivery man? Bella regains her focus as Tatum looks towards her. 


"Unknown," Tatum says, looking down at her coffee with a smile. "Anyway, I'm going to be normal once this is gone. For now, let's find your locker and stuff."


"Okay, so this is the cafeteria. There's a vegan bar there and regular lunch there. I'd advise not drinking the milk, it tastes like grass. Let's get your lunch and find a table," Tatum says, leading Bella through the lunch line. They grab their food and sit at an empty lunch table, away from everyone else(mainly Lauren Mallory). "How do you like Forks so far?"

"Good, good. A lot more rainy than Arizona," Bella says. Tatum chuckles before answering, confusing Bella even more than she naturally was. "So who is everyone here? Like, who should I avoid?" 

"Uhm, okay. So, you see that blonde girl over there. Blue eyes, really pale? That's Lauren, she's known for using people. Uhm, over there, that brunette with tan skin. That's Uriah Call, mega-bitch, don't let her talk to you. Blonde dude next to Lauren, his name is Mike. He falls in love with every girl, so, beware. Then lastly, there's-"

"Who're they?" Bella asks. Tatum notices her eyes looking intensely at something. It was her group of friends...*wink wonk*.

"Those are the Cullens. The gorgeous blonde one is Rosalie Hale, she's dating Emmett; the tall muscly one. Then there's Alice Cullen; the dark-haired fairy princess. She's talking to Jasper Hale; Rosalie's twin, and my cowboy-"

"Is he the one that gave you coffee this morning?" Bella asks as Jasper sends Tatum an obviously flirty smirk paired with a wink. Tatum blushes hotly and covers her cheeks with her hands before nodding. "Why do you call him 'cowboy'?"

"You'll understand if you hear him speak," Tatum snickers softly at the inside joke. "Anyways, the last Cullen is Edward; the one with bronze-colored hair. Their adoptive parents are Dr. Carlisle Cullen and Esme Cullen. They're the perfect couple, and they adopted the others because of a rare mutation they all share. That's why they have gold eyes." 

The Cullens could hear the conversation. They also understood the inside joke of 'cowboy'. So, for the rest of lunch, Jasper sat at the table, thinking about the joke while the others watched how his eyes would glance towards Tatum at least twice per minute. To say the least, they had a bunch of blackmail for later.


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