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Maya's POV:

Seeing that I wasn't laughing she recovered from her laughing fit realizing I wasn't joking.

"First of all we are talking about Shane Mathews the person who sees every walking woman as dirt and secondly why would he ask me out of all people"

My heart started beating rapidly thinking about how I might have ruined the chance of her dating him. Only if I would have helped him instead of saying that she already has a boyfriend. Maybe I was being inconsiderate then by saying something which I shouldn't have said.

"What if he asked you out? What would your answer be?" I asked her again reassuring myself for continuing what I started.

"Maya! I would never date someone like Shane Mathews even if he approached me first. We both are of very different personalities and have nothing in common. He is soo you know reserved and uptight" she replied.

When she answered that I left out a breath which I didn't know I was holding and replied "Actually today he came to me and"

"WHAT!! SHANE MATHEWS APPROACHED YOU??" she shrieked loudly which gained us some stares.

"Calm down Kerry!" I shushed her embarrassed by the attention her outburst gained us.

"Maya THE Shane Mathews approached you? I mean no offense but he is never seen talking to someone outside his group. Heck he never even talks to me though we meet at the parties and stuff" she replied exaggeratedly doing some hand movements.

"Yeah about that...he asked me to help him but I might have declined it?" I replied unsurely.

"Why? What do you mean he needed some help? And why would you decline it?" she asked looking deeply trying to figure out what he might have asked from me.

Thinking about how she will react to whatever I am going to say next a sweat bead formed on my forehead and my heart started beating rapidly just imagining how she might take the information.

"He actually asked me if.......Icanhelphimsetupadatewithyou" I rambled the last part.

"Maya I didn't understand even a single word at the end and you should know how I can't understand anything which isn't English?" she said teasingly.

I took a deep breath and started slowly this time.

"He asked if I can help him setup a date with you" I repeated and waited for her reaction but she put the same face as Shane now not showing anything which I can decipher what she is thinking.

"So what did you say to him?" she asked in a slow voice which made me think I was going to die today in her hands and her tone clearly stated that she understood the part where I mentioned saying I might have declined his offer making her really upset with me.

"Actually I told him that you were dating a boy from your school and you both are serious" I replied putting my head down in shame.

What if I lost a friend today because of my stupidity? What if she wants to date him and I became the villian of their love story even before it started? What if Kerry hates me for this the rest of her life and won't forgive me? What will happen when Shane finds out that I lied to him? I am sure he will destroy me.

The last thought brought shivers down my spine making me shake visibly.

"HAHAHHAHAHA!" I heard a loud laugh startling me by her response.

I gave her a confused look not knowing why she is laughing and not being mad at me.

"Maya it's okay I don't think he is serious anyway" she replied.

"No Kerry I don't think he was joking or else why would he even approach me and talk about this?" I asked her seriously.

To which she just smirked and added "As I told you few minutes ago I strictly believe that I am not his type and he is not mine. Even if we date it will not last long, so I don't have any problem with you rejecting his offer" with a small smile reassuring me it is totally fine.

"Hmm" I hummed as a response because what she said made sense.

"Here is your order" the waiter placed our pizza and left winking at us.

"So what made you say that I still have a boyfriend when you know I broke up with him last month" she asked this time seriously wanting to know my intentions.

"I didn't want you to get hurt Kerry" I replied giving out a sigh and added "I couldn't understand if he was serious about what he was saying as I couldn't read anything on his face. He didn't seem that he was really in need of my help or even nervous asking me that. I just felt he is not good for you"

"Are you sure that's the only reason? Because something tells me that there might be another reason" she said to which I gave her a confused look.

"Don't you like him?" she asked out of nowhere.

"No! That's absurd Kerry. Why would you think that I like him?" I replied huffing.

"I saw you staring at him from time to time in the parking lot while waiting for me or talking with your friends" she countered back.

"I never stared at him like that! I don't know what you are saying" I told her in a voice that I really didn't.

But we all know what the truth is replied my stupid conscience.

"Okay what makes you sleep at night" Kerry said rolling her eyes and leaving the topic.

After that we changed to different topics from what's going in classes to the newest gossip in the magazines while having our pizza.

After dropping Kerry my thoughts went back to her question Don't you like him? and she looked as if I was dumb for not knowing it.

As she mentioned I do find Shane intrigued at times. Hey! it doesn't count as staring like she said.

I am just always intrigued by the way he talks to people who approach him only replying to really necessary stuff.

The way he is totally different when he is around Samuel Parker his best friend. At time we could even see emotions in his cold eyes when he is with him.

I am not a Stalker okay! I am just a curious soul that's it.

It was like I want to know what goes in his head or why does he keep himself so closed off to the world. He is like a mystery which I want to solve.

I realised I was overthinking. He is nothing but a senior to me who was interested in my friend. After how things went today I don't think we will face each other anymore.

As I entered my driveway I was just left with questions like Why did he came to me all of a sudden? He could have asked Kerry's other friends whom she daily hangout with or even directly ask her if she was interested? But why come to me?

Though these questions seemed of no importance they did leave me confused.

Most of all there is one question to which I couldn't find my answer.

Why did Kerry's reply of her not liking Shane brought me a weird type of satisfaction?


Author's Note

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Lots of Love <3<3 :*

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