8. We've all done bad things

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Ivy's POV

I was ripped out of my sleep by my stupid cousin. "Ivy, come on we gotta go", he said.

"Fuck off Jughead, I'm tryna sleep", I mumbled into the pillow, last night I was watching movies with Fangs, Toni, and Sweet Pea so all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Ivy, I really need your help", Jughead pleaded and ripped the covers off of me. "Fine, what did you do", I groaned and sat up.

While he started to explain that he made a deal with a woman called Penny Peabody, aka the snake charmer who was now calling for her favor, I started to get dressed. Apparently she wasn't a good person and yet Jughead was stupid enough to call her.

"You're so naive Jug", I mumbled still being really tired, I grabbed my helmet as the two of us headed out leaving Betty in the kitchen.

I got on the bike with Jughead as he took off to Pop's. At least I would get a good coffee.

We finally made it to Pop's and I got off the bike. My cousin and I walked inside and I immediately ordered a coffee.

Jughead and I sat down in a booth along with a beautiful, I gotta admit blonde-haired woman. She was wearing a Serpent jacket so she was one of us. Never betray one of your own I remembered.

"Ah so you must be the infamous Ivy Jones", the woman smiled but I just ignored it.

"I can't do this favor for you, whatever it is. If I have to pay for you helping my dad-", Jughead rambled.

"He needs more help. That's why I called, FP got in a little accident uh, with the Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day", Penny said and I wasn't sure if she was lying or telling the truth.

"Oh my god", Jughead gasped, "Is he okay?".

"Yeah, he's in the infirmary now, they messed up that pretty face of his. Ghoulies wanted blood payback for the deal that Northsider made with Keller, got all their higher-ups locked away", Penny explained.

"That wasn't- what can we do to get him out?", "For that, you need money. Rich people? Rich people don't sit in jail. Money greases the wheels of justice", Penny explained while I sipped on my coffee, it was definitely too early for this shit.

"I have 18 dollars to my name", Jug said. "I have a little bit of money", I admitted remembering the money I stole from my mother.

"Hm, then maybe we should think of this favor as a job, right? Just a one-time delivery. Pick up a crate on the Southside, deliver it to an address in Greendale. That's it", Penny explained.

"What's in the crate?", I asked suspiciously. "Le's say, pancake mix", the woman smiled.

Great now we have to deliver crack or jingle jangle for this crazy manipulative bitch.

"Penny, I'm not gonna be your drug runner", Jug argued. "Of course not, you two are gonna be my transportation advisor. Do this and I'll use your cut of the cash for your dad's case. I'll see what we can do about getting an early release".

"Okay, I'll do it", Jughead said emphasing the I.

"Good boy, make the drop-off get out before midnight, don't wanna be in Greendale after midnight. And this, um, crate is not gonna fit on your bike. Can you get a car?", Penny asked.

"Yeah", Jug replied then looked at me, "Let's go".

"You really look like him", Penny blurted out, "I knew your dad, a great man". "Shut up you cheap version of a barbie", I snapped and followed Jughead outside.

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