21. I love you Topaz

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Ivy's POV

After the musical, I was allowed to stay at school and not follow into the hospital which I was grateful for. Yet I couldn't stay at the school since I had to go over to the police station to explain what happened. 

I sat in the office of Sheriff Keller and sipped on my chocolate milk. "Ivy, you need to remember what happened and tell me about it", he introduced. 

"Uhm so Midge and I we wanted to go through our scenes again since she was just got the role of Carrie", I explained and gulped, "She started panicking all of a sudden and I thought it was because she was nervous but suddenly something hit my cheek and made me bend over basically and then something hard hit my head and I was out".

"The guy that says he is the Black Hood used a baseball bat to knock you out", Sheriff Keller explained. 

"Wait, the Black Hood?", I asked scared, "I thought he was dead".

"That's what we thought but now we have to look at every single detail again", the Sheriff explained. 

"Is there nothing else that you can remember?", he asked. "No, no", I said still shaken up. "Yeah, that's enough Sheriff", my uncle said who had to come in the office with me. 

"Alright, thank you for your help, Ivy and get well soon", the Sheriff nodded and left. FP then hugged me tightly. 

"Are you ready to go?", he asked. "Yes, I think so", I explained. "Good, I called your father but told him he hadn't come over for this", FP explained. 

"Good, I don't need to deal with him now as well", I sighed. 

When the two of us walked out of the office, Jughead, Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Reggie were waiting for me. 

"Okay guys, we're going home", FP explained. The four followed us to the SOuthside after I said goodbye to Reggie. 

"I was so scared", Toni explained hugging me again. "I'm fine guys", I smiled even though I felt horrible. 

I felt like I could have stopped the Black Hood from killing Midge but I didn't. I should have listened to her or noticed the panic in her eyes, she was terrified. 

"Are you okay?", Jug asked noticing that I zoomed out. 

"Yeah, I just need sleep", I explained. "Okay, if you need anything let us know", Sweet Pea told me, I nodded and walked inside. 

As soon as I was showered and in my pj's, I was out cold. This headache was killing me for real.


As I woke up I felt horrible, I wasn't sad or anything but my head hurt and I felt like all my emotions had drained from me once again. 

After some time of just laying around and making plans with Reggie, I decided it was a good idea to get up. I walked into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee and some cereal. 

"Good morning gid, how are you?", FP asked drinking coffee in his Pop's uniform. 

"I've been better. I still have this killer headache", I sighed. 

"There is some Advil under the sink and I bet you do, just take it slow today, alright?", FP said making sure I was okay. 

"Yes, I will. I might go out do something with Reggie", I explained. "He's treating you good, isn't he?", FP asked. 

"Yeah, he is but we're not dating or anything", I explained not knowing what exactly Reggie and I were. 

"Are you sure? I saw the way he was worried about you. No normal friend acts like that", my uncle sighed. "I don't know, I like it the way it is", I explained. 

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