13. The Serpents could never repay you

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Ivy's POV

The next day news were spread over Riverdale, someone decapped General Pickens. And of course, everyone was believing it was one of us, one of the Serpents. 

I was sitting in school along with Jughead and his friends, for some reason they kinda grew onto me. 

"Usually these kind of events, baptism, confirmations, are family-only. But since it's all about me, and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled strings and reserved you a pew", Veronica smiled excitedly, "Yes you as well Ivy". 

"What is the dress code?", I asked. "Catholic chic. So, dresses for the girls, veils optional and coats and ties for the boys", Veronica smiled sweetly. 

"Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principals' office", Mister Weatherbee said over the school speaker. 

"What did you two idiots do this time?", I chuckled. 

"Ivy, you can take your boyfriend with you if you want", Veronica smiled. "Oh, he isn't my boyfriend but thank you", I smiled knowing I won't take Pea with me since he was acting all weird. 


After school I caught up with Toni, who helped me buy a cute dress that would fit the dress code,  I picked out a black dress. 

On my way home I met Jughead and the two of us walked to our trailer. 

"Sheriff Keller, we have to stop meeting like this", Jughead said as we approached Sheriff Keller standing in front of our door. "Where's your dad at?", he asked. 

"Had a shirt at Pop's. Why?", Jug asked. 

"It's an eviction note. You two, your dad, pretty much everyone in this place, you all gotta clear out", the Sheriff told us. 

"What? Don't tell me this is because of that statue", I asked. "For the millionth time, sheriff, we did not decapitate General Pickens. And you can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to evict us", Jughead argued. 

"Look, I'm just the messenger. This order comes from the mayor. There's a lot of back rent owed here",  Keller explained, "You have fourteen days to vacate. Perhaps while you're packing, you might come across that head". 

I wanted to go off at him but Jughead tugged at my arm as the Sheriff passed us by. 


Later that day everyone had heard of the eviction notice and my uncle called in an emergency meeting. 

"We all got the eviction notices, but I swear to you, no one is going anywhere. The heat's been on us since Picken's Day, and they are using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. But if we're gonna fix this, I gotta ask: Is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off Pickens' head?", FP asked the crowd. 

"Why don't you ask your son what he has to say?", Tallboy asked. "What is your problem with me tallboy?", Jughead groaned annoyed. 

"You wrote the article that started this. You and your posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day", Tallboy said making us all stand up, ready to fight. 

"It was a peaceful protest", I argued. 

"That accomplished nothing. What's to say that you didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw?", Tallboy spit. 

"Hell we didn't do it Tallboy, you're the tallest. You wouldn't even need a ladder", Jughead said. 

"Jughead, Tallboy, the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other. Hey, we'll find a way out of this", FP told his son.

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