17. You're hanging out a lot with him lately

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Ivy's POV

I was just coming from my room after getting ready for school on time for once. I was wearing orange and red checkered jeans along with a cropped black sweater and my black high heeled ankle boots. 

I gasped when I saw what my cousin had done to our kitchen wall. He had made a crime wall just like they do in the movies about Hiram Lodge. 

"Hey", FP said as he came home from his night shift at Pop's. "What's all this?", I asked my cousin considering he might have gone mad. 

"Hopefully, it's the article that saves the town from Hiram Lodge", Jug explained to the two of us. "Jughead", FP started obviously thinking the same thing. 

"If I can fit the pieces together", Jug mumbled. "You seriously need to drop this", I told him while pouring myself some coffee. 

"He rescued us, he bought sunnyside trailer park. Forgave our debts", FP said, well I thought about that and it does seem suspicious. 

"What? He's the reason we almost lost the trailer park", Jughead explained to his father and I agreed with him. "Hiram's slicker than a bottle of snake oil but this is-", 

"Dad please, Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register. He's trying to silence the dissenting voices before he makes the big play. He's afraid, of this exposure", Jughead smirked.


I was sitting in the Swords and Serpent club room along with Jughead, this Hiram thing was actually interesting and Jug asked me to help him. Of course, I couldn't turn him down, this was something that had to do with the Serpents and I didn't like Hiram. 

Soon enough Archie joined the two of us in the room. He sat on a chair next to the main desk at which Jug was sitting. Me being me, I sat on top of the table resting my feet on the arm holder of Jug's chair. 

"Are you still going after Hiram?", Archie asked, for my taste he was in too deep with Hiram.

"That depends", Jug gulped. "Dude, are you asking? Veronica? The arch-fiend himself?", I asked harshly.

"Jug, there is gonna be a special election to replace Josie's mom. Hiram Lodge wants my dad to run", Archie explained ignoring my statement. 

"What? Why?", my cousin asked surprised. "Who knows? I'm with Veronica, that means I'm with the Lodges", Archie explained. 

"Of course you are, rat", I whispered and earned a glare from Archie. "But my dad, I can't let him get in any deeper with them", Archie whined. 

"So, tell him he shouldn't run", I snapped. "Veronica would kill me if I did, ditto the Lodges, maybe I could give you guys something, maybe you could write about it and that might make my dad hit pause", Archie explained. 

"Okay", "You remember when Hiram Lodge gave Pop Tate that charitable donation to keep the diner open?", Archie asked. 

"Yeah, we all were there", I said. "Except Hiram Lodge didn't give Pop's a donation, he bought the diner", Archie said in a hushed tone. 

"What?", "And he doesn't want anyone to know about this, can you do something with that fact? At least enough to make my dad think twice about this mayor idea?", 

"He bought the diner?", I asked just to make sure. "Yes". "My God, Hiram is like Dracula, he's snapping up properties from all over Riverdale to expand his empire and feed", I muttered. 

"If what you're telling me is true, everyone's in danger", Jug muttered. 

After Archie was gone Jug and I did some more research he wanted to tell Betty and Alice about. 

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