CHAPTER 2: Is he gay?

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Goodness! That was one long meeting.

I sit on my chair and–Oww! I think my ass has just gone numb.

Well currently I'm in my cabin packing up my things cause my boss, Mr. King is leaving for England to attend a press conference alone and my presence is not required there. So, I got an early leave.

Yay me.


'how was d meeting? I'm pretty sure that u were sleeping throughout the meeting'

'it was boring and FYI I was not sleeping'

Gosh this guy literally has no work.

Knock! Knock!

I set my phone aside and straighten my skirt.

"Come in."

"Miss Green, while I'm gone to England, I want you to handle..."

And that's when I zone out, well any girl will zone out because in front of me there is a proper definition of Greek God or more of like a Handsome God who just happens to be my boss, Eric Samuels King, a 26 year old man who has put everything in his life to this company. Actually the company was established by his father but later on was passed to his son, Eric who made this company reach the heights. Girls literally swoon over him but he just happens to be least interested in them.

"Miss Green, are the instructions clear?"

I think he is gay.

"Miss Green?"

No. He can't be gay, just because a man is never committed the someone doesn't always mean he is either a playboy or gay.

"Miss Green?"

Maybe he is just waiting for the right woman?

"Miss Green?" I hear snapping of fingers which suddenly brings me out of my Dreamland.

"Yes Mr King, the instructions are very very clear. I'll handle everything." I speak with a small smile on my face.

"Good. I'll be leaving in few hours. You may also leave" The blue eyed God just orders to me.

Oh boy! Those blue eyes, 6'5 height is like an Eiffel tower to my 5'4 height, perfect teeth. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

But not my type. He is way too arrogant, rude and bossy. He only knows how to order people who are around him. Especially me and that receptionist, Caroline.

One time he ordered me to arrange his storeroom which was full of old files, alphabetically and when I was done, he told me to dispose them off alphabetically and the other time I had forgotten one interview he had to attend when I was telling him his schedule, he made me cancel it saying it was some gossip magazine, which wasn't. He even made Caroline rearrange all the files in her laptop because they weren't 'in an order'.

I heaved a sigh when I saw my boss leaving me alone in my cabin but then something strikes me.

"Wait Mr King! When will you be back?" He stops by at the door, turns around and intensely stares at me.

Stop staring at me Mr. King! Just snap out of it you asshole!

He clears his throat and I wait for him to say something.

"Miss Green, it is unprofessional to zone out when your boss is giving you some tasks to perform. You should always have attention towards the work you do."

Oops. I'm caught!

"Even though I don't have any issues about other women staring at me but I'm disappointed in you, Miss Green. I didn't expect that you would be also doing the same thing." He replies with a small smirk on his face.

"S–Sor–Sorry sir. It won't happen again." I mentally slap myself for stammering.

"Good. I'll email you the instructions and my flight schedule. Have a good afternoon Miss Green." And my door closes.

I drop down to my chair and exhale a loud sigh.

Phew! I better get out of here.


"You know I also don't think he's gay." My friend Ari says.

"That's the same thing I was thinking!" I exclaim with a little too much energy.

I just narrated the whole incident to her. We are currently in the living room watching shows on Netflix but are not really watching it. There is still an hour left for my shift to start, so here we are watching, talking and having some girl time.

"You never told me, how come you're early today?"

"Well, I only had to attend a small meeting and approve some ideas. So I'm here early. Anyways do you want coffee or hot chocolate milk?"

"As tempting as both of them sound, I'll have coffee."

"Okay." She continues watching whatever is there on Netflix while I just keep staring at her.

"What? Get your ass out of the sofa and go make one for me too."

I don't say anything cause she fooled me, again and march down to our small kitchen.

Our apartment is not that big but big enough for two grown ups to live. It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small balcony attached to the living room and a kitchen which is always having a stocked up fridge (thanks to Ari).

Ari also comes to the kitchen holding up the laptop in one hand and her phone on the other.

I finish making the coffee and I add five spoons of sugar in Ari's coffee as a revenge of fooling me twice.


I take my phone out of my pocket.

'gud early evening m'lady. I'm not disturbing u am I?'

'not at all kind sir. I had an early leave' I reply smiling sheepishly.

Ari notices my smile and raises her eyebrow.


"Oooh. Somebody got a message from her lover boy." She chirps while smirking.

"Yes I got a message and no, he's not my lover boy." I tell her.

"Oh please. You guys have been chatting with each other for almost a month and you still don't know his name." Ari shut downs her laptop, now having her full attention on me.

"Actually I do know his name." I reply smirking.

"Oh really?" She raises her eyebrows in surprise.


"Care to tell me?" She continues challenging me.

"Its—" That's when we heard the door bell ring.

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