T_P_E_K: It's origin and her tantrums

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Well, well, well look what do we have here...

100K reads.

I had not imagined that I would see this day so soon. A digital handshake and hug to all my dear readers and followers.

On 12 September 2019, I started writing this book and now this book has reached 100K reads, only in five months!

Thank you!

Let's talk about the business...

I have got so many guesses on the full form, some were darn too close and some were way too hilarious. But nobody could guess it. So, on the celebration of 100K reads, I give you...

T_P_E_K: It's origin and her tantrums.

A special shoutout to Miss_whts_her_name for knowing the full form as she was the one who came up with it.

She deserved it.

To all my dear readers who guessed it's full form and those who were so close...

#pleasedonthitme 🙏🙏


Eric Samuels King's POV:

"Sir, you have a business lunch with your new investors, a meeting with the heads of the finance and IT department and then attend an interview with the..." My gaze lifts up from my laptop and goes to the lady in front of me and it looks like she is trying to remember something.

"With what Miss Green?" I ask her with curiosity.

"With...um...with the...God what was the name?" She mumbles under her breath but it was loud enough for me to hear.

She starts turning pages of her notepad and before she could even open her mouth, I spoke up. "Probably some magazine isn't it? Whatever it was, cancel it."

"Y-Yes, Mr King."

"I will not tolerate another mistake like this, Miss Green. This is your last warning." I speak looking straight to her grey eyes.

"Y-Yes Sir. S-Sorry Sir." She stammers.

"Now bring me a cup of coffee." I order her and she scurries away. My eyes drift down to her long legs and I shake my head.

Concentrate Rick. Concentrate.

It's been almost three months since I got myself a new assistant because my previous assistant's husband couldn't control himself and got Cynthia pregnant.

Couldn't he wait for a few years? Maybe three? Five years would also have done it.

Now her replacement, Miss Elizabeth Green is trying to keep up with her work or so she thinks...

I feel a vibration on my pocket and simply pick up the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Eric King spea—"

"Ricky boy! Time to party! Richard proposed and we have to hit his new club." I pinch the bridge of my nose and exhale loudly.

"Mark, I'm busy. I'll congratulate him later."

"But you have to—" I cut his call.

It has become a very weird habit of mine. Whenever he would call me, I would pick up and then cut it on his face. What a good friend am I, right?

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