CHAPTER 25: Thank you

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Home Sweet Home!

We are currently driving through the streets of California. Well, familiar streets of California for me. The thing is I don't know if Mr King—scratch that—Eric knows that I'm from California. It was written on my resume but I don't know if he remembers.

If he doesn't, he's in for a big surprise.

There's a big smile plastered on my face as I see my high school passing. Seeing the route in which we are going, I can guess which hotel we are going to stay and somebody over there is up for a big surprise.

"Elizabeth." Eric calls me.

"Yes, Mr K—Eric?" I correct myself. He gives me a thousand watt smile.

"Are you enjoying your trip so far?"

"Yes. I am." I give him my biggest smile I could muster up.

The car stops at a familiar hotel and I try my best to contain my excitement.

I just hope that he's here...

The staff greets us and we walk over to the reception area. "Good morning, welcome to The Cali. Do you have a reservation?" The receptionist greets us.

"Yes. Under the name of Eric King." Eric says in his business tone.

It feels weird to say his first name....

"Of course Mr King, we have been expecting you. Just a moment, our manager would like to speak with you." She says in her sweet tone.

She picks up the telephone and whispers few words to the person in the other line. Soon a man walks from behind the door behind the desk. I look at his face and my eyes pop out of their sockets.

He got a promotion?!

"Good morning, Mr King. Welcome to The Cali. My name is Mike and I'm the manager of the hotel."

As he's greeting Eric, I take my time seeing the changes in his features. He's wearing a white shirt with black jacket and he has finally decide to grow some beard. The black eyes are showing a bit maturity. Keyword a bit.

He then looks at me and all the little bit of maturity his eyes had vanishes. His smile drops and his mouth is wide open.

"Hey Mickey..." I give him a small wave of my hand.

He just stares at me. He's in total shock. Eric looks at me then looks at him and then looks back at me, confusion is clearly written on his face. He clears his throat which brings Mike out of his daze.

"Oh My God! It's so nice to see you again, Lizzy." He starts squealing.

He picks me up and twirls me. I start laughing at his childish behavior.

"Mickey! Put me down! I just had my breakfast! Please Mickey!" I shout at him as I hit his shoulder.

"Never! I'm not letting you go again Lizzy." He declares.

"Mickey please! My boss is standing right over here. This is very unprofessional of you!" I scream at him, continuing to hit his shoulder.

"Okay...okay fine! Stop whining!" He puts me down and both of us breathe heavily.

A moment of silence passes by and we both burst out laughing.
We both give each other a hug. I take a deep breath and smell the familiar cologne.

It feels good to be home...

"I missed you Lizzy. I missed you so much." He gives a small peck at the top of my head.

"I missed you too, Mikey. I missed everyone." A lone tear drops from my eyes and he wipes it.

"'s okay. You're home and that's what it matters." He whispers soothing words to me.

We finally break out of our hug and I look around my surroundings and see that everybody is staring at us. A huge blush comes up and I hide my face in his chest.

Mike laughs heartily. "Carry on with your work people. Show's over. Carry on, there's nothing else to see." He scurries all the other people.

I finally take a look at Eric and see that his face is having a mixed emotion of confusion, anger and...jealousy?

Am I in trouble?

"Mr King?" I call his name. He snaps out his daze and scowls at Mike then glares at me.

"Miss Green, did you forget to tell me something?"

I laugh nervously. "Maybe?"

"Care to explain me?" His eyes never left mine and are demanding for answers.

"Uhh....I'm from California, Mr King. All the breeding, being born and raising up was done in this state." I fiddle with my fingers.

"And why wasn't I informed of this before?"

"Surprise?" I smile sheepishly at him.


"Is there something else I should be aware of?" Eric asks me as soon as the door of our suite closes.

I place a finger on my chin and make him look like I'm thinking very deeply. "Umm...oh yeah! I plan on surprising my parents!" I exclaimed.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"No." I mumble.

I look around our suite. It's a presidential suite having four bedrooms, a built in kitchen, a balcony, a gaming room and a bar. There is a white L shaped leather sofa in the living room and a couple of paintings. The balcony is attached with the living room. I walk in to the balcony.

I've been to this hotel before when Mike got a job here but I never saw the presidential suite. I have never even thought that I would be staying over at this suite.

The owner must be proud of his hotel.

"It's Richard's." A voice says from behind.

Oh! Did I say it loud?

"Yes you did." Eric stands beside me.

We both are in silence but enjoying each other's company.

"Do you like Mike?" He asks after few minutes. His voice is having a bit of panic and doubt.

Why is he asking this question?

"No." I answer truthfully. He nods his head in understanding.

"I never did. He is my childhood friend. I haven't heard or talked to anybody for almost eight months."


"There are few personal things which I can't tell you." Yet.

"I understand." He turns back and walks into the living room.

"Eric?" He stops on his track, turns around and faces me.

"I never said thank you." I whisper.

"For what?"

"For bringing me back home and for asking me to accompany you."

"Well, no need t—" I give him a hug. He first freezes at my gesture then relaxes.

"Thank you." My voice muffles as I bury my face in his chest.

"You're welcome." He hugs me back.

I wish I could stay like this forever....

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