CHAPTER 21: His family

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You know that moment when you start questioning your existence in this planet, thinking what is my aim here?

I think I found mine.

To insult my boss in front of his ex boss who happens to be his father and my role model.

I just called my boss, a careless brother in front of his sister and his parents.


I had admired Samuels King ever since I was born. He is the perfect person who can be your mentor and your idol. I used to worship him when I was a teenager.

Whenever somebody asked me what me wanted to do in life, I always said that I wanted to work in Samuels King story was and is an inspiration for me. He started this company from the scratch, never lost hope when all of his investors left him and regained it's strength.

I had even shed a single drop of tear when he announced that he was retiring and handing over his company to his son. I never knew anything about Eric Samuels King until I met him on the day of my interview here.

Even though I worked for his son, I would always hope that someday he would enter this building and visit his son's progress. But...

But this is something very unexpected. I couldn't recognize my idol, called his son careless and I'm still into so much shock that nobody has said anything for almost half an hour.

What is wrong with me?

Currently, Melanie, Helen, Mr King, Mr King Sr are all staring at me. Melanie is sitting on Mr King's lap, giving me an innocent confused look.

"Lizzy, you have been quiet for some time. Is something wrong?" She asks me. Curiosity is evident on her face.

I don't reply her and continue staring into empty space. How did my life take a hundred and eighty degree turn in few days. Everything was going fine, me doing my work, Mr King behaving rudely, me talking to my friend, working on shifts in the cafe and Ari's constant nagging about my friend.

When did everything change?

A hand touches my shoulder and I jerk up at it's contact. I look up and see that Helen is smiling at me.

"I-I di-I..." I'm not able to form any words. My mind has gone blank.

Suddenly I hear a laugh. A laugh which does not belongs to Mr King. I look at the source of the laugh and see that Mr King Sr is laughing heartily holding his stomach. Soon Melanie also joins his father, of course being oblivious to the tensed situation. Helen starts chuckling and Mr King also starts laughing.

I couldn't hold it. We all laughed at this situation. I see that Mr King senior is wiping away his tears that were formed while he laughed.

I hide my face in embarrassment. I did not imagine meeting Samuels King like this.

"That-That was hilarious. You were right son, I'm liking this girl." A small blush crept over my face.

"Told you dad." Mr King says this to him as a fact.

"I see that she always voices out her thoughts. I like her too." Helen gives me a warm smile.

"But I liked her first because I met her first. She's my friend." Melanie tells her parents.

"That's right sweetie but before you Ricky met her first, so he liked her first." Helen explains to her daughter.

Yeah she's right... Wait, what am I saying?

Mr King clears his throat to grab everyone's attention. "I guess we started off in the wrong foot. Elizabeth, let me introduce you to my parents, my mother, Helen King and my father Samuels King. And this little lady here is Melanie King, my little sister." He picks up Melanie as he introduces me to his family.

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