CHAPTER 46: I can't

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"Good morning Caroline." I wish the receptionist but the only response I get is an eye roll.


I unlock my cabin and see a man child sitting on my chair.

"Mark, get out!" I point to my door.

"Will you listen to me? I need your help." He gives me his puppy dog eyes and I give him a disgusting look.

"No. I don't wanna help you. Now, get out."

"It's about Arianna. Will please listen to me?"

Ari? Did he do something?

"What about her?" I close my door and fold my arms.

"Are you going to listen to me? Have a seat." He points to the chair in front of him and I take a seat, cursing under my breath.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to take her out on a date."

A date? What in the world were these two doing for the past two months? I cringe at my thought. I rather not think about it.

"Then take her. Why are you asking me?"

"I don't know where to take her." He doesn't know? He's a bigger idiot than Jake.

"Tell me, what were you guys doing for the past two months?" He scratches the nape of his neck and gives me a cocky smirk.

"Oh you know what we have been doing. In your kitchen, on her bed, on my floor, on my desk, on your couch-"

"TMI! TMI!" I cover my ears.

I need to disinfect my kitchen and couch....

"She did say that you would do this, if I tell you the slightest details." He shakes his head in amusement.

"Yeah... Yeah whatever. Just take her to the art gallery which was opened last week and get the fuck out of my cabin." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Okay... Okay I'll leave. So an art gallery? That's an interesting place. After that where should I take her?" He gets up from my chair and walks to the door.

"Take her to a Chinese restaurant. She'll love it. Now get out! You are ruining my morning." I grumble in annoyance and shut the door on his face but he stops it by putting his leg in between.

"And Elizabeth?" His eyes are holding a mischievous glint.


"Think about meeting this online guy of yours. Who knows what game fate might play with you and he might end up being your next door neighbor?"

For God's sake, he can't be Jake. Why is everyone saying this same phrase to me? I have already thought about the meeting, but I'll change my mind if he doesn't go away.

"Okay. Fine. Thank you for your unwanted advice but you have to leave. I have loads work to do. Bye." I shut my door and heave a deep breath.

I'm sure Ari must have told him about Rick.

I sit on my chair and notice a stick note on my table.

' coffee in evening? - E'

A smile appears on my face and I press the intercom.

"After work?"

"Yes." The voice from the other end speaks and cuts off the line.

Better start doing my work.


"All done?" I look up from my laptop and see Eric leaning by the door.

"Yup. Just packing things up." I shut down my laptop and grab my bag.

We walk down to the nearby cafe and grab our cups.

"So...What's up?" I ask him after taking a sip of my coffee.

He looks up and then looks at me. "Sky?" A smirk appears on his face and I hit him.

"Will you stop joking?"

"Okay. So did you like our second outing?" Seriously? That's what he wanted to ask me? I thought...

"Yes. I did. Thank you very much." I give him the biggest smile I could muster up.

"You are welcome. Now it's time for our third friendly outing."

Third outing? How many does he want? Not that I mind...

"Okay...Where do you wanna go?" I ask him.

"We'll know soon." We? He doesn't know?

"Okay." We continue walking and reach to the park. It is actually very uncommon that a billionaire is roaming causally in a park, earning very shocked stares from the public and some seductive looks from women, but he's very oblivious to it.

We take a seat on the bench which had a very clear view of the bridge. The bridge in which I was standing for two hours. I can't believe it's been three weeks. A lot has happened in these three weeks.

I look at the woman who is standing at the exact same place where I was standing. A man holding a bouquet walks to her. She kisses him, takes the bouquet and then they walk away together, holding hands.

Would I have been that woman if Rick had showed up? What would have actually happened if he had showed up?

I think Eric sensed my discomfort when he followed my gaze. "Something's bothering you. Care to share?"

"No... It's nothing." He holds my hands which makes me face his side and drown into his light blue eyes.

"What did I tell you about sharing all your doubts and feelings to me?" A blush comes up only about thinking what happened in the library.

"You really wanna know?" I ask him, not feeling so sure of myself.

"I do. If you want to tell me."

I look at him. They say that telling all your problems to a stranger helps. But what about my case? Here, the problem is the stranger itself. I can't tell Rick how I felt when I was standing alone, waiting for him. I can't tell him how I got drunk when he told me that he likes somebody. I can't tell him that Dino thunder was actually Thomas's favorite. I can't tell him how I broke down when I almost got assaulted. I can't tell him how much I value his friendship.

I can't tell him how the person right beside me was once an egoistic, authoritative, mean jerk or how I ended up having too many feelings for him. I can't tell him how this guy apologized to me, thinking that I won't remember. I can't tell him that instead of a third outing, I want a first date from him. I can't tell him that how he has occupied my whole mind and heart, only by talking and taking me out for friendly outings. I can't tell him how he surprised me with the meteor shower without even asking me anything about it. I can't tell him how this guy saw me half naked and ran away. I can't tell him how he ate the caramel creme which was actually loaded with sugar or tell him that I had actually issued books about baking only to impress him. I can't tell him how much my parents loved him and want to meet him again. I can't tell him how much Thomas would have loved him if he had survived. I can't even tell him about Thomas.

Wait! Who am I talking about? It can't be.....

Fuck, I can't tell him any of these things if I don't meet him.

So, I do the exact opposite thing. Instead of speaking out all your problems to a stranger, I say it to the person right beside me.

"You really wanna know?" I ask him again. This time being sure of myself.

"Since you're asking me again, I'll say it once more. I do. If you want to tell me." I can clearly see the genuine concern in his eyes.

"Well, Mr King, I would advise you to buy much more cups of coffee because you'll be needing it."

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