CHAPTER 10: Her questions

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"Remind me again why did you bring me here Ari?" I asked her looking around.

"To help you get over your 'digital' heartbreak."

Since it's only beginning of week, the bar is not too crowded but there is a crowd. There's light music going on the background and mostly people here are having drinks instead of dancing.

"You know, I was expecting a sappy movie night with loads of junk foods."

She smirks. "That's for a very serious heartbreak darling. What you had was a tiny crush like a teenager."

Did she just insult me?

I'm wearing a knee length, sleeveless red dress which highlights my curve and I'm feeling very self conscious about it. Ari is wearing a similar one but blue in colour.

"So...are we gonna order or what?"

"We're waiting for somebody."

"Who?" I ask.

"Sorry, guys I'm late I couldn't find my other heel so I had to search for some other heels." Kathy says from behind.

"Hey Kathy!" Ari squeals as she hugs her.

She returns her hug and gives me a hug too. She takes her seat in the counter.

"So, can you please tell me why did you call me here?"

"We're here to help Beth forget about her online crush."

She thinks for a bit. "Okay. What about him? I don't know much about that guy."

"I met him almost two months ago and we just started talking, just random stuff without asking personal questions like name, number and other stuff."

"So you don't know his name, where he lives, what he does and you guys just talk." She confirms.

"Yeah." I nod my head in approval.

"Did you ever asked his name?" Kathy questions me.

"Maybe no?"

She sighs. "Elizabeth Green, you are one dumb woman. For we all could know, this guy could be an old man who got bored with his life and is trying to do something fun or a teenage boy or worse a trafficker who is searching for a new piece, which I think is you."

"He's neither of those." I defend him.

"How can you be so sure that he's not a stalker?" Kathy asks.

"He's not. He's into business. He likes chocolate, hates pineapple and lemon. He is allergic to walnuts. He got a promotion couple of months ago, has a huge ego and the biggest thing? He likes dino thunder." I finish my speech making Kathy dumbstruck.

But it is true that I don't know his personal information and know only his likes and dislikes.

"Okay, I believe you, for now. But you know it could be a great cover up story of some stalker or someone. I'm just looking out for you. If anything happens do not hesitate to come to me or Ari. Right Ari?" She turns to Ari, but she's not there. We look around the club and see Ari is walking back to us swaying her hips.

"Where were you?" I ask her.

She wiggles her eyebrows. "My dear Elizabeth, while you explained your whole lover boy dilemma to Kathy, I got myself a date tomorrow night." She shows us a card. Katherine whistles.

"You know the last thing I heard was Kathy questioning about the lover boy's existence and I think he could be anybody, including that hot shot walking up to the VIP room with his friends." She says staring at some guy, biting her lip seductively. My eyes narrowed when I saw that she was looking behind me.

I turned around and saw a guy with brown eyes staring right back us and behind those brown eyes was a pair of light blue eyes staring right into my poor soul.

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