BONUS CHAPTER 5: Moving in...forever

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"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyous occasion, in presence of these witnesses and under the eye of God..."

Can you believe it? After two hundred dates, kisses that we all have lost count of, here we are standing at the alter.

"If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now—"

"Wait!" Everybody's attention has gone to Mark.

It was made very clear to him not to speak anything until the ceremony is over. He sure knows how to embarrass himself.

"What?" Jason grits his teeth, trying to suppress his anger.

"How long will this take? We want to eat the cake." He pats Julie's back and passes her to Richard. She's Richard's and Candice's daughter. A very cute one too. She has got his eyes and her looks.

Evan hits his head and turns to Jason. "You're welcome."

I look around seeing how happy everybody is. I am holding the bride's bouquet. Being the maid of honor was hell, especially when the other ladies are pregnant or with a child.

I look at the men. Mark is having a bored expression, Richard is trying to calm his daughter, Evan is looking at the couple in awe and the man beside him is staring at me intently. Our gazes meet and I avert my eyes.

"Do you Jason Ford, take Katherine Margaret Lewman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To cherish and to hold in life and sickness, till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Do you Katherine Margaret Lewman, take Jason Ford to be your lawfully wedded husband? To cherish and to hold in life and sickness, till death do you part?"

Kathy turns to us. "What do you think ladies? Should I say yes?"

"For God's sake just say yes! We are hungry." Ari rubs her four month old belly.

She turns to the priest and beams at him. "I do."

"Finally." We hear Mark mumble. Evan hits him again.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He rubs his head.

Hard to believe that this man child finally became a man and asked Ari to move in with him. Of course she happily agreed. Now the man child is going to have a child.

I take the glass of wine the waiter was serving and look at everybody.

They are happy. All of us are happy.


I take out my phone from the clutch.

' gud afternoon my pretty lady. How's ur day going so far?'

I pinch the bridge of my nose and look around to find the sender of this message, but I can't find him.

' where r u?'

'lets play a game.'

'not in mood. U better come out, the cake is going to be cut soon.'

'just this once.'

He is stubborn.

' fine. What do u wanna play?'

' just follow my instructions.'

' fine.'

' get out of the hall.'

I place the glass on the table and head out of the door. I walk straight, not knowing where to go.

' walk to the nearest garden.'

Garden? I look on my left and see many flowers behind a half opened door. That must be the garden.


Wow. It's amazing. There's a small fountain in the middle, many bushes and flowerpots all around. I walk by to the fountain and wait for the next instruction.

' move in with me.'

Okay...that's a bit suspicious because we've been living together for almost two months now.

' we already live together.'

'move in with me...forever.'

What the...

' turn around.'

I turn around and a gasp escapes from my lips. My phone drops from my hand and hits the floor.

"Elizabeth, my love, a year ago we had our first kiss and at that moment I realized that you were the only one whom I wanted to kiss for the rest of my life. Four months later when I confessed my feelings to you, I knew that it was it. I found the one whom I want to spend the rest of my whole life with, the one with whom I want to grow old with, have babies and grandbabies. Elizabeth, even though we might not had a great start of our chapter but we still have the whole book left with us." He opens the small blue box and reveals the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. "Marry me. Be my wife."

My eyes never left his. I'm speechless. He wants to marry me?

"Oh for fuck's sake, just say yes!" I turn around and see Ari wiping her eyes with a tissue. "If you don't, I will."

Mark rubs her back. "Baby don't spoil it." She glares at him.

"Yes. Yes. I'll marry you." I kneel down to his height, he takes out the ring from the box and places it on my finger.

I hug him, happiness evident on both of our faces.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses me slowly with passion and love.

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