Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The night has prevailed agajn. Engulfing the bright sunny day with the big and thick dark cloud

Just like their lives

Tears were dried in his eyes now but their stains were still visible on his wrinkled cheeks, He was looking anxiously at the entrance door of the lounge with hope that maybe tonight she would come back

“Abi” he heard his younger daughter who was equally worried and anxious as her father

Her sister didn’t return back home yesterday at her usual time. They waited for her till 10:00 pm assuming she maybe got stuck in office with some work or maybe in traffic

But then the tension started to build up


“Abi I’ve called her collegue at office but she said Aapi (elder sister) left on time” Anaya told fearfully to her father wiping the sweat drops just appeared on her forehead

Same was the condition of Taimoor Ali. Her daughter never shows such carelessness

‘ALLAH please keep Bia, my child safe’ he silently prayed

“Call Ali, maybe she is with him, I heard her mentioning to go for shopping”

Anaya thought about it also, but she was hesitant to call Ali, her Aapi’s fiance

“Abi, what if he percieve this situation wrong, I mean … you know him well”

Yes, Ali was a typical man. He won’t think twice before charging his daughter. For their wedding he put condition that Anabia will resign from her job, and today she just went office to hand over her resignation letter but fate has some ill things in store for them

Anaya was getting worried for her Abi now.

“Abi come let’s sleep, I am here, If Aapi will come I’ll inform you”

But her father doesn’t want to let go

“No I’ll stay here only and wait for her”

Sighed, she also left with no choice, sitting beside him, she placed her head on his shohlder praying for her sister’s safety


“Aunty Arsala called, sh-she want to talk to Aa-Aapi” Arsala was Ali’s mother and if she came to know that Anabia is missing, she’ll break every ties with them

Sudden fear crept through his veins, “so what did you say?”

“I excused her that Aapi is sleeping” her voice becoming moist thinking about her sister, losing control she knelt down before him “Abi Aapi will come back na?”

I hope and I pray for her to come back he prayed silently

“Of course” patting her head his eyes again glued to the entrance door


“any progress?”

“No, she just came to conciousness an hour before” the reply offended him and he didn’t bother to hide it


“Listen I tried but …”

“Wait there, I am coming”


Saiqa entered the room of her son but there were no sign of him

“This young generation, so careless” She came out once again dialling his number


It was night again, She was feeling weak now, no more energy left in her as she was starving from past 24 hours,

The tears in her eyes dried now, feebly she once again tried to break loose the ties but vain

Arsam a gangster, he kidnapoed her, he wants to marry her

This all is too much for her to absorb

She was lost in her thoughts when the door clicked open once again

Fearfully, she closed her eyes


Shocked she open her eyes hearing the concerned voice, maybe he came here to rescue her, he would've definitely come to know about the dual face of his best friend

Kneeling down he untied her wrists and removed tape from her mouth

“Maier” forgetting about everyhthing she held on to his hand tightly, which she would've never done in normal circumstances
"M-Maier ...." Sobbing again she was unable to speak anything

“Sshh relax, calm down”

“Maier, th-thank God you c-came, y-you know Ar-Arsam he .. he …” Cutting her sentence when he speak she felt whole world spinning

“Kidnapped you” the smirk appearing on his face frightened her and she pulled her hands back, “he did because I asked him to bring you to me”


Small update I guess …

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