Chapter 22

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Chapter No 22

Life is unpredictable. Last night a few moments ago she was thinking this night to be the beautiful one. She made up her mind to give everything to her husband but it took a drastic turn

She was offering Tahajjud prayer. As she lifted her hand to pray, she felt blank. She always prayed for Maier’s love, his safety and for her Abi and Anaya but now she thought all her prayers were being unheard and unanswered. Tired, her hands falls at her sides. Her eyelids were now becoming heavy and before she knew it she was asleep on the prayer mat


“Anabia my child” She was feeling serene and calm as she registered the voice addressing her

“Amma” She opened her eyes as she smiled

“Why my daughter is worried and sad?” She was feeling her mother’s warmth after so long and it was melting her

“Maier .. Amma he doesn’t believe me. He didn’t listen to me” Before tears could roll on her cheeks she found her mother’s fingers wiping it off

“My child, he is seeing what is being shown to him. ALLAH will guide him to the truth”

“What if he’s decided to leave me? I can’t imagine my life without him. He became the reason I breathe”

“He won’t. The bond of Nikah is not this weak that will break on such small misunderstandings”

She shook her head, “It’s not small. It’s about my character. He accused me of infidelity”

“You unwillingly went near that man. Your husband was unaware of it. You crossed the line ALLAH set for you. It’s a test from ALLAH. Seek forgiveness from ALLAH first and then apologize from Maier” Somehow she understood that unknowingly she hurt him. She should have told all this to Maier by herself

“You’re right my child. Maier is your husband. You’re not allowed to go or even talk softly to any man without him knowing it or his permission. Seek help from ALLAH through patience.” Her mother lovingly stroked her hair and in the same serenity her eyes went close


Anabia opened her eyes suddenly.

“Amma” escaped from her mouth. She then realized that it was her dream but she understood one thing that she had indeed committed the mistake by going near Zawar and now as ALLAH’s test she’s been proven guilty.

“ALLAH G You know everything. You know our hearts. Please show Maier the way to find the truth. Guide him to the right path and only you can prove my innocence in his eyes. Forgive me YA ALLAH!”

She was now feeling content and relaxed but a part of her was still restless and she was unable to name this restlessness of her


Anaya was sitting on the bench in the hospital corridor

“Your father had a stroke. A strong one. I guess it’s the second time. For now he is stable but in next 4 to 5 hours it would be better if we go for surgery on him”

This was what the resident doctor told her just a few minutes ago

“You should meet our heart specialist and surgeon tomorrow; the first thing in the morning”

Meeting doctors, doing surgery means more money required for hospital bills and she doesn’t have this money. Now she was calculating her options

Sabeen Aapi but she is not here. She is in Islamabad

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