Chapter 15

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Chapter No 15

"What was the need of all this my child, you already had done so much" Sabeen brought gifts for Taimoor Ali and Anaya

"Please uncle am I not your daughter, If Bia would be in my place what'll ..." It was unintentional but it made the atmosphere tense. Taimoor Ali's face was rigid

"Aapi won't miss us, she didn't call even once in the past one week" Anaya was disheartened, she was waiting for Anabia to at least call her if she thought Abi is angry with her

Sabeen felt for her. She always idealized Anabia's family. They may not have much money but their hearts are very big filled with love for each other but Anabia's one bold step changed everything. She still couldn't believe that Anabia married Maier out of love. Well she has to wait for tomorrow to get her answers from Anabia

"Uncle I'm going to meet Bia tomorrow. Please come with me and bless her on this new journey of her life" Sabeen said hoping that he might agree

Taimoor Ali sighed. How could he tell that his heart was telling him that her daughter is not content. If Anabia has fulfilled her wish of being with the one she loved then she should be happy. He wants to bless her but he doesn't want to face her at this time

"Anaya pack everything of Anabia she prepared for her wedding. Dress, sandals, jewellery everything" His order shocked Sabeen and Anaya both

"Abi but ..."

"Sabeen give them to her and .." he paused as Sabeen and Anaya tried to infer his meaning, "Tell her that it's her Abi's blessing" he broke down into tears and so does Anaya and Sabeen

"I am sure she's been compelled to do this marriage"

"Just tell her that her Abi is waiting for her. The doors of this house are open for her any time whenever she wishes to come. Tell her that her Abi has forgiven her" Sabeen knelt down and wiped off his tears. He has been longing for his daughter but she can't do anything to lessen his pain

"She loves you uncle" Anaya came to hug her Abi

"I know"

"Also tell her that Anaya misses her Aapi" Sabeen prayed to alleviate the pain and misery of this family


From past two hours he was busy doing some work on his laptop while Anabia was just sitting on the chair yawning lazily. Well she has no problem with him working but the problem was that he was sitting on the sofa which she used to sleep. Having enough of it now she was about to ask him when his work will finish when his voice startled her

"Why are you staring at me?" Though he was still busy on his laptop but seems he was well aware of her condition

"I .. I want to sleep" she finally said it

"So? Who's stopping you?" Her temper was rising now

"You're sitting on the sofa"

"So?" he shrugged while she who was as if want to have a reason for her outburst just blurted out

"So just get up from here and go to bed or study and just let me sleep. I hope you can at least give me this much space and few moments of respite" but she regretted it the next moment when she saw him closing the laptop. Getting up as he strode towards her she too leaving her chair stepped back

"You want space" he continued pacing towards her while she was scared now. Gulping, she tucked her lower lip in her teeth as frantically she shook her head


Her bad luck

She gasped as her back hit the cold wall and in a moment he was standing in front of her. She tried moving to the sides when he placed his hands on the wall either sides of her

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