Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


It's been the second semester of their MBA classes and Maier became the CR (Class representative) of course by his good looks and his intelligence he became popular in the department among teachers and students quickly.

Arsam and Nouman were his friends from college days, so he didn't try to make new ones.

That day also he was passing through the corridor and was busy with his mobile and Anabia was searching for her wallet in bag when she collided with someone

"I'm sorry" Backing off she apologized quickly but her notes were all over the ground

There she is, his biggest competitor, topper in every quiz, assignment and now their second semester's project also

He saw her kneeling down, gathering the scattered papers. He too did the same and started helping her when he heard the voice from behind

"What? Why are you sorry? Can't he use his eyes while walking?" This was Sabeen, her best friend and like always was beside her to help her

"Sabeen stop it, It was my mistake" Anabia said getting up and he was lost, he even forgot that he was still sitting on the ground with Anabia's notes in his hands

His eyes were on Sabeen. Her angry face, her glare

"No Bia, he thinks he is the Prince Charles that he can roam around the way he wants to" and it brought a smile on his lips, he realized his position

Getting up, he handed the notes to Anabia, "your notes Mam"

"Thank you" She smilingly thanked him and he turned to leave without uttering a word

"He is such a rude and dry guy, not even said a sorry" He heard Sabeen at his back and Anabia calming her down

'she is interesting' he thought to himself


From that day onward Maier was feeling a pull towards Sabeen. They were doing a project together now. Sir Saud paired Maier, Sabeen, Anabia and Arsam together. He wanted some alone time with Sabeen but every time she'll brought Anabia with her and it irked him. He developed a disliking towards Anabia thinking her to be a hurdle in communicating Sabeen. Worst part was Sabeen didn't share her contact number with him. She was like, "Bia and I am one, update her with the details"

"This Bia has stuck like a bone here in my throat, never leaving her side" he grinded his teeth as if to swallow Anabia if she would in front of him

"I mean, she is the topper ... but spare her friend for a while"

Nouman and Arsam was grinning

"Oh my impatient prince, how can we help our friend?" Nauman pulled his cheeks

"Just distract that leech from Sabeen, I need to talk to her"

"Language Maier, she is a nice girl and what words you're using for her" Arsam defended Anabia and well it offended Maier

"Oh ..oh ... nice girl, then you take that nice girl away from my Sabeen"

"Oohh your Sabeen" both sarcastically glared him

"Yes" he shrugged his shoulders


A woman has the ability to identify the gaze of a man and Sabeen was on an alert since they started their Project with Maier and Arsam. Anabia being a bookworm and complete nerd never paid attention to such things but she was getting bothered by his constant gaze. She didn't share her number with Maier and Arsam and gave Anabia's number instead because she would talk only about work, nothing else.

Despairing Love ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang