Chapter 13

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Chapter No 13

He came to a place where he came along with Zawar Shah. Everything happening in his life was stressing him so much and he wanted a break. He still doesn’t know why he let go of Sabeen even when he got the chance. She proposed to him then why didn't he held her hand? he gulped down the liquor. He shuddered at the bitter taste

When she asked to divorce Anabia, he could’ve done it straight away then what made him lie to her about their consummation. He gulped down the remaining bottle in one go

“Maier” He looked up. The vodka now kicking his system

Her smiling face. In this blue dress she was looking ethereal

A smile touched his lips’ “Anabia”

He took down one more bottle, losing his senses completely

The thing he was afraid of confessing to himself was that he has started falling for Anabia and can’t think of separating herself from him


Anabia was tossing and turning in the sofa. Maier was still not home.

Go to hell

She doesn’t know why she was restless. Only then she heard the clicking of door. She closed her eyes but opened the next moment as she heard the shattering of vase. Getting up she went to him

“Maier” He was stumbling

What happened to him?

She could see his dishevelled state. His coat and tie was missing and top three buttons of his shirt were open

“Maier?” she called again and when he looked at her, fear crept through her veins. His eyes bloodshot red but the smile on his face was weird

“Hey wifey” Stumbling he stepped towards her causing her to step back

“Y-you should r-rest” He was not ok, something’s wrong. Now she was regretting why she got up

“I am perfectly fine” Coming forward he pushed her to the wall as his left hand reached to caress her right cheek while his right hand encircled around her waist

“You’re gorgeous” Her eyes went wide and now she could make out the reason of his strange behavior. The unpleasant odour alerted her senses.

“Y-you know I met your friend today” As he lowered his face to hers, she moved her face away and tried to push him

Sabeen … he met Sabeen

“I hate her” Her wiggling stopped for a while as she stared at him surprised

Desire .. his eyes were full of desire

“That stupid woman asked me to divorce you and … and she proposed me to marry her”

Sabeen proposed him … why? How can she? she is married..

Her thoughts were interrupted as his hot breath fanned her cheeks, his face was dangerously close to hers

She was afraid now, “L-let me go”

“Why are you running away from me?”He rested his forehead on hers

“I-I’m n-not ….” She get a muffled laugh from him

“I love it when you stammer ..I-I .. m-me … y-you” he mimicked her, “I love your eyes, deep black pools” She lowered her eyes still resisting against his grip but the next thing he did stunned her

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