Chapter 28

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Chapter No 28

Never been in her life she felt this nervous before. Inhaling she was about to knock at the door but before she could it opened from inside.

This was Saiqa Ahmed

"As-Assalam O Alaikum aunty"

"Wa Alaikum uss Salam Sabeen baita How are you?" Saiqa blessed her

"I came to see Bia .. I mean Anabia" nervously she skipped her question and blabbered

Saiqa couldn't help her smile seeing her all nervous. Maier and Anabia told her everything and she who at the first meeting liked the simplicity and innocence of Sabeen was more than happy to have her as her daughter in law

"A-Aunty? ..."

"Oh Saira will take you to her room" Calling the servant Saiqa instructed her and left for office while she followed the servant


Anabia was still in bed. She was not feeling well today so after Fajar prayer she again fell asleep. Maier was getting ready for the office when there was a knock on the door. He went to open and was a bit surprised

"Sabeen you're here early morning? I mean you can come anytime but ..." while Sabeen now felt a little awkward and bad for showing up so early

"I-I w ..." he stopped teasing her and gave her the way to enter

"N-no I'll wait outside it's alright" she said seeing Anabia's sleeping form

"Ok relax. Actually Anabia is having a fever I guess otherwise she would be busy with chores till now. I am just leaving, you make yourself comfortable" he offered her to sit on the couch which she did and wiped the little beads of sweat from her forehead while Maier went to wake Anabia

"Anabia .. Anabia wake up .. Sabeen is here" her eyes shot open hearing it

"What? Where?" She instantly sat up and Sabeen smiled at her

"Hi Sabeen" she quickly leapt from the bed and gave her a warm hug

"Ok Anabia I am leaving for office" she then realized that he was all dressed up in his three piece suite

"I-I am sorry Maier, your breakfast and ..." he chuckled

"Don't panic, I have done my breakfast. Don't worry and take care" patting her cheek lightly he left for office. Smilingly Anabia turned to Sabeen who was turning red with embarrassment

"Sabeen are you alright?"

"I am sorry Bia, I disturbed you guys actually I thought Maier would have left for office" she then looked at the wall clock. It's 10a.m.

"Yeah today he got late. Anyways tell me how are you doing?"

"I am good" getting normal Sabeen now chatting with her friend

Anabia could see how every now and then she was peeking at the door

"Are you alone now at home?" Anabia smiled inwardly how indirectly she was inquiring about Salaar's presence

"Usually I would be alone after Maier and Mumma left for office and Manal for her college but now a days Salaar Bhai is here to give me company"

"Hmm" she wiped the sweat again

"Sabeen I know you came here to meet Salaar Bhai. Come" Anabia understandingly asked her to follow her and Sabeen just silently did


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