Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Anabia was waiting for the bus when a car stopped near her. She stepped back and looked around. The bus stop was crowded right now as it is office off time.  She pulled her scarf more to her face as she saw the door of the car opened and the person descended from the car surprised her.

Maier came to her. He was wearing a three piece suite and his face was emotionless and expressionless. He’s wearing his ray ban so she couldn’t  read his eyes either.

“Sit inside” he was brief. Once again she glanced around her and now people were attentive to them.
“I’ll drop you” it was satisfying his inner self seeing her all worried. Not to cause unnecessary attention she moved towards his car.

She quietly sat inside. As he started the car, she peeked at him

“Umm thanks for the lift but I ….” He interrupted her with a serious tone

“I didn’t come here to give you lift, I just need Sabeen’s number.”

“I ..” As she tried to speak again he stopped her

“I don’t want to hear any excuse.. I know you lied about her marriage.. I want to ask her hand but it’ll be only possible if you help me” She was shocked. A mature person like him was acting like a hopeless love struck teenager. Now  she got the point why Arsam called her.

“Look Mr Maier, whatever I told your friend is true. Sabeen is married and she’s moved to Islamabad with her husband.”Infuriated he applied brakes and car halted with a loud screech. She has to place her hands on dashboard for support

She saw him removing his eye glasses and she feared now. His eyes were cold and anger was quite visible in them.

“W-what are .. y-yo …”She moved back on the seat now almost sticking to the door

Click! he locked the car and she tried to look outside but vain, the windows were covered by black sun shades

He leaned forward to her and her body now filled with terror. She was now regretting the moment when trusting him, she sat in the car

“You’re alone with me here. I can do with you whatever I want to and nobody can dare to stop me” he was enjoying her horror filled face

“Y-you ar … are  ha..harassing me”She tried to unlock the door when a tug on her scarf frightened her to core

“This door won’t open until you give me Sabeen’s number”

“L.. leave my sc..scarf” She didn’t turn though else her scarf would slip from her head and she doesn’t want it. He left her scarf and straightened in his seat. Turning, she took out her phone from the bag and before she could unlock it, it was snatched from her and she just stared at him in disbelief

“Name?” He scrolled through her contacts and she was raged

“It’s inappropriate to check som ….”

“Sabeen … Sabeen N” He was loud enough and then he copied her numbers to his phone and she was bewildered

For a mere number he tried to assault her. Tears formed in her eyes and she lowered her head staring her hands when he placed her phone in her lap.

“Your address?” great now he would drive her home

“Mam I’m asking …” Controlling her tears she briefly narrated him the address but her voice was wet and for the first time he was feeling bad for something related to her

“I … I am sorry. I don’t want to scare you” he want still he couldn’t undo what he did a few moments ago. He never saw her without a scarf which always covered her head and duppata perfectly draped around her shoulders.  It’s something related to her dignity and he should’ve respect it

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