12 [morning]

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Her sleep felt too short, clad in apparently one of many Yeosang's silk pajamas. Wearing it makes her feel like she's the heir to a large corporate company, because it's so comfortable and she knows by looking at it that it's expensive. It is slightly big for her built; white stripes against a dark blue base material.

It could be that she was too comfortable that her sleep felt too short, or it was because she had spent a quarter of the night thinking about how she should go on from now.

It's funny how she's now considered a ghost since Yeosang had 'killed' her and it was all simply because Hongjoong said what he shouldn't have, to the then nonchalant Han Byul who didn't know she would get involved with them for the unforeseeable future. They were weirded out at how she could accept their identities easily, when a normal person should have fought back to escape, or at least screamed their heads off.

She initially did both, but when they explained to her that they are hired 'couriers', they opened a door for her that she thought she had closed forever. She's going to use them to find whom she had been looking for since years ago.

What she plans to do with the people might not be so pretty.

She would probably need a new identity, and she's sure that they will do that for her. She knows they are more than capable to do meager things like this; chalking up an identity wouldn't be so hard for them. It's going to be a pity to let her name go, though.

If she ever keeps it, having a new identity would be pointless, wouldn't it?

Han Byul. A name that has appeared a lot of times among the stack of resumes. A name that had helped her redeem herself. A name that some may have forgotten, but remains in the memory of some.

Yesterday Seonghwa had given her a fresh set of pajamas, another fresh set of clothes for her to change into this morning, a clean towel and a set of toiletries. Since the room has no attached bathroom, she was told she is free to use the one outside. He reminded her multiple times for her to lock the door if she's using the bathroom, because apparently the people in the house could burst into the bathroom nonchalantly, even when there is another person inside. Then he gave her a blanket, reminding her again to tuck herself in so that she won't wake up with a cold.

It's hard for her not to smile at how he's treating her, because he reminds her of a mother fussing over her child.

He promised that they can take the stuff from her house for her, but probably just clothes and some belongings that are important to her. He had said that they would have to use the 'unconventional' way of entering her house, considering that the people from there would probably scout her house for the time being.

It really looks like they would let her stay, although she doesn't know on whose call it was made, and how long she's actually allowed to stay here. She doesn't even know what she's supposed to do - she can't work at the cafe because that's off-limits to her. Would they even let her be part of the team? She highly doubts so- not only is she less skilled, but according to Hongjoong they had trained for years, while she's only involved suddenly.

Maybe... being the nanny isn't so bad at all.

The contents of the house are chaotic at best in the morning, but even chaotic seems an understatement. She was woken up by hurried stomping from above, as if those upstairs are being chased around and nobody could stop whatever thing that was chasing them.

Meanwhile, the floor she's on is not any better, as they seem to have a battle on who can shout the loudest over the others. Jongho is belting out a note - and funnily she thinks he's a good singer - probably warming up his voice for... something. Seonghwa is calling over everyone to the dining area to have breakfast, adding that he did not wake up early just to see his beautiful pancakes and waffles go to waste.

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