62 [wonderland]

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Among the bustling crowd of tourists flocking to the seashore, the meeting between all those involved except for Kim Hodong and Lee Minhyuk takes place, a some sort of rushed reunion as Byul gets to see her fellow Dyskaryo members left. She rushes up to them, pulls Danbi into a hug before saying how much she had missed her, and turns to Uncle Remy before the old man envelops her hands in his, mentioning about how he is happy to see her so healthy.

Seonghwa, Hongjoong, San and Yeosang look on, understanding how much it must have meant to her; they were the very people who helped her to get back on her feet as she stepped away from Wonderland. They only politely stand by the side, watching as they exchange quick check-ups with each other, then promising to meet again at their last gathering point before everything starts tonight.

Before they part, Danbi hesitantly approaches San, studying his face before she sticks out her hand, uttering, "I never got the chance to say this, but I'm truly sorry for beating your ass and drove your head against the lockers that day. Hope we could reset."

Her lipstick is as bright as he remembers when he first saw her, and he titters in amusement as he shakes her hand. He expected it to be rough and be full of callouses, but what he touches is soft that he feels as if her hand could slip out of his grip if he doesn't hold it firmly enough.

"You really tore my pride that day, probably wouldn't have survived if you didn't stop when you saw who I was, Kim Danbi. Now that I know your name you seem friendlier and more approachable, not like some kind of silenced enemy with red high heels."

Yeosang clears his throat as he sees San and Danbi shaking their hands much longer than necessary, putting his own palms together and claiming, "Ah, right. I think we can start preparing ourselves for tonight. Right, Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Byul?"

Danbi quickly slips her hand out of San's grip, muttering something inaudible as she goes to Remy's side and the two vanish among the group of tourists flooding the market. Like a father and daughter duo spending their weekend visiting tourist attractions, they stop by some stalls, looking through some of the souvenirs sold and street food put out on the tables. They look almost normal, if not for the fact that Danbi keeps looking over her shoulder, stealing glances at Byul, who has finally moved on with the rest.

"Danbi," Remy calls out to her, putting down one of the multitude of decorated seashells the sellers are promoting on the table.

When she gives no response, he calls out her name again. The third try, when it seems that she is only staring into the distance without any focus, he lightly put a hand on her shoulder, and this startles her to an extent that she almost drops and lets the seashell in her hand to break into pieces.

She places back the decorative item before turning to him while being as expressionless as she can get. Too much is reeling in her brain, but she can't find the right words to verbalize her individual thoughts so she only shrugs, follows Remy through the pathways of the crowded market while keeping a lookout for any possible followers but find only tourists with brim hats and monopods, plus sellers promoting their items in the loudest voice, looking to outdo each other.

Just as she's about to step out of the market with Remy a few steps ahead of her, she catches sight of a familiar face, body facing straight to her. The figure looks like a tourist at first glance; khaki pants with a flowered shirt and he lowers down his shades, making a point to stare at her.

Remy doesn't notice that Danbi has stopped walking, her attention caught by the familiar figure. The figure then does a gesture to her, and she smirks. She returns the gesture, nodding slightly as he cocks his eyebrows and puts his shades back on, before turning around to lose himself among the crowd.

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