45 [act]

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*this chapter contains quite a number of profanities (I mean it's not that much but still more than other chapters & a lot according to my standard lol) so yeah just a heads up 😂😂😂*

"Yes, I love you so much baby. I can't wait to get home and do-"

Yunho makes a point to clear his throat loudly, interrupting Min Gunhoo who's talking on his handphone. The older man is currently on the phone with what they assume as his much, much younger girlfriend whom apparently he loves so much and promised to do anything for and to her.

Anything, that even Yunho and Byul gag at the shameless words that tumble out of his mouth as he talks to her on the phone. The call has been going on for 10 minutes ever since their meeting started, and it doesn't look like it'll end anytime soon. Having had enough of it, Yunho had to intervene, knowing that their ears can't take the intrusion anymore or they will start bleeding.

"You know what, baby. These people are being a bit annoying so I'll call you back later," Gunhoo coos into the phone as Byul resists the urge to mimic his voice, keeping her graceful act as Madam Tang. "Yes, yes baby. You must promise that once I'm home you're all ready on the bed with no clo-"

Seonghwa is the next one to cough, this time looking like he's in a violent fit of coughing as he puts a hand over his chest. He doesn't stop that even Yunho starts to look worried, as the oldest doesn't stop until Gunhoo has ended the call with a glare towards the couple's bodyguard.

What they expect is for Min Gunhoo to be pissed at them for interrupting his lovey-dovey call session with his girlfriend, but he looks relieved as he puts his phone away. He massages his temples before putting his right ankle on his left knee, then weaving his fingers together.

"Women and their love for money. You must be a really lucky man." Gunhoo looks at Yunho for a brief moment before his wild eyes start to eye Byul up and down, "because both of you are a couple with the riches. Surely not the other trying to suck up the other's wealth. She's such a gorgeous woman too."

"Even with that kind of clown makeup he finds her beautiful and gorgeous? He seriously needs to go and get his eyes checked," Wooyoung passes a comment and Seonghwa bites his lower lip to stop himself from laughing.

Gunhoo's eyes rest on Byul's chest, and she curls her hand into a fist, ready to throw a punch at the man, but she calms back down as she feels Yunho wrapping his fingers around her fist.

"You talk about women like they're objects," Yunho comments, but his tone stays monotonous. However the edge of his tone lifts up as soon as he mentions the next sentence, "Don't talk about my wife with that mouth of yours."

"Easy, man. Are the rumours untrue then?" Gunhoo cocks his eyebrows before smirking. "I thought your wife here would sleep with any man that she does a deal with, and you don't mind because heck, what's one night with some random man, am I right? I wouldn't want to lose this chance when the meal's right in front of my eyes."

"What the actual fuck is this man on?" Hongjoong's voice comes next and he gives an instruction to them, "Aurora and Silver, you have my permission to abort the mission right now, give him a punch or two, or maybe even render him unconscious. I can't hear anything coming out of his mouth anymore. First Madam Tang, then this bastard. What is wrong with these people?"

Seonghwa is even ready to pull out his glock, but Byul steals a glance to him before shrugging.

"Mr. Min, it looks like you need to find a better source for all those rumours. I am in no way a woman like that, and I despise it when people think of me as only a tool to release their insatiety. I am much more than that."

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