70 [horizon]

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2 years later

"You look gorgeous as always, there's nothing to fix anymore. Come on," Yeosang pulls Anna's hand to guide her out of the shop.

"Wait a minute- ahh!" She trips over the carpet before he pulls her up right again. "Phew, that was close to another plaster on my face. Wait, I think I want to tie my hair for today. It's been so long since I last met them because I've been so busy. I had to put up the notice in front of the shop to say that I'm," she corrects herself, "we're closed for today." She points towards the notice in front of her shop when she sees someone peering into the shop. It looks like a customer wanting to come in, but she apologetically sends her away, saying, "I'm sorry but we're closed for today."

Yeosang's face is decorated with a smile as he pulls a chair for her to sit down. "Which hairtie do you want to use?"

"That one." She points to one black-coloured hairtie she has placed earlier on the counter, and he scoops it up.

He takes a comb to brush her hair, stands behind the chair so that he can work on her hair. Although it takes her more convincing before, she finally relented and allowed Yeosang to be the one to cut her hair. As a result, it looks much more symmetrical, and she agrees with a slight shrug of her shoulder that it looks much nicer.

He runs his fingers through her hair first before using the brush to gather it up, making sure no stray piece pops up before tying it up for her. "There, all good."

"Thank you baby," she enunciates as she takes her purse and keys, then puts it inside her clutch.

After closing the shop, he takes her hand, and they walk to the second-hand car they bought together after the shop had taken off. It was when Anna decided to push for her designs more, and Yeosang agreed to become a part-time model for her. She had received more offers for her to design clothes in the entertainment business, which made her shop become popular. Nowadays, she had to take in more assistants to help her with the requests she had been receiving non-stop.

Although Yeosang agreed to model for her designs, he had rejected offers he received from different model agencies, because his passion was directed towards programming and technology. He decided to enrol in a local college in the computer science course, but as far as everyone was concerned, he has been crushing and surpassing all his coursemates because his skills are far beyond comparable. He still has 2 years left to get the scroll, but he's loving what he's doing and at the same time he enjoyed being the model only for his girlfriend.

He and Anna recently moved in together at a rooftop house they got for a cheap rent here in Light district, and so far, they already have 6 daughters and sons. Which meow and paw at them whenever they're hungry or looking for love.

Sure, there are times when things seem to go downhill in their relationship, when Anna starts to question her worth, or whenever she feels like she's not good enough for him, but he makes sure to remind her every day that there's a reason why he still stays with her despite all of that. After she feels better, she would scoot to him in their house and nudge at him with her head like a cat would.

This is the girl whom I wouldn't mind spending my whole life with. In fact, he's already thinking of asking her with the ring, but he's trying to slow down, scared that maybe he's moving too fast and it would rock her. One day, he'll use one of their daughters or sons to ask for her hand in marriage. One day.

Even though each of the ATEEZ members had decided to move on with their separate lives, they still hang out around each other a lot and it doesn't feel like there's a change. Today is no different. They always do a kind of 'celebratory dinner' on the same date every year - the 17th of November - where they refuse to forget what could've happened if they were still under the contracts and passed the 10-year mark. This year they decided to have a barbecue party at the beach near the resort owned by Seonghwa's friend, Seoho. All have given their agreements to come tonight.

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