33 [gluteus]

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Yunho watches cautiously over Hongjoong's head, looking as if he's trying to hide from something as he stands behind the leader, but ends up looking like an overgrown giant tree about to reach the sky. When Hongjoong moves to the left, he follows, when the leader steps to the right, he fixes his position so he'll be standing behind him.

"Are you really trying to hide behind Hongjoong? Because if you are, he's possibly the worst person you could choose," Yeosang passes by them, going over to the kitchen whilst drying his hair. He looks like he's ready to go to bed with his silk pajamas, face red and wet after showering. "Hey Byul, Hwayoung. What are both of you doing?"

"Byul-ie is reading a book to me!" Hwayoung announces in a giggly tone.

"That's nice-" Yeosang backtracks as he catches the book title and what's actually spread out in front of the two girls, unbelieving in what he's seeing and forgetting his initial intention of going to the kitchen. "Is that a human anatomy textbook or am I dreaming? Byul are you really reading out a university textbook to a 6-year-old? No wonder Yunho is trying to hide behind Hongjoong; he's scared of the power you hold over Hwayoung."

She looks slightly guilty at the mention of her reading out a textbook to the 6-year-old, but she's quick to defend herself. "Hwayoung wanted to know what I took in university and when I told her I took biomedical science she asked me what kind of things I learnt there. Somehow... I ended up talking about anatomy and somehow Seonghwa has a human anatomy textbook lying around in his bedroom. At least it has a lot of pictures," she grimaces.

"We have a bone called a femur in our leg!" the kid gushes, looking proud that she remembered what Byul had pointed out. "An adult human has a total of 206 bones in their bodies."

Byul smiles and pats her head, with Hwayoung continuing to flip through the pages and concentrating on trying to pronounce out the different names of muscles in the body. Yeosang leans over from the back of the sofa, trying to get a look at the scientific names but all he gets is a headache.

"How on earth did you manage to remember all these weird ass names? Ooh, but that one sounds interesting. Gluteus maximus. I had no idea a muscle in the butt is the largest and strongest muscle in our whole body. Really puts everything into perspective."

Wooyoung comes down to the floor next, followed closely by San, where both of them are wearing matching hoodies and track pants, looking more like the neighbourhood couple. Wooyoung has his hair untied, and San - after much pestering from Mingi for fear of being recognized by his red-streaked black hair - has dyed his hair to blonde with the help of Wooyoung. They are all about to gather at the headquarters at 9 p.m. to have a meeting, to report the missions they collectively carried out today.

Wooyoung and San saunter over to the kitchen, the former calling out orders to the rest. "What would you guys like to have during the meeting?" They pitch in their orders one by one, but as Yeosang is too engrossed in the book together with Byul and Hwayoung, he didn't answer.

Wooyoung goes over to him, kicks his butt and Yeosang shouts out in pain, dramatically rolling against the back of the sofa and claiming, "You just freaking kicked my gluteus maximus!"

"Your wha-" San starts, his hands preparing the mocha Hongjoong asked for. "What kind of creature is that? Why can't you just say your butt like a normal human being?"

"It's one of the muscles in your butt," Hongjoong adds, his brain already registering the scientific names of the muscles and bones they have. "Apparently the largest and strongest muscle."

"Oh," he replies without interest before turning back to the rest of the orders.

"Byul, would you like anything to drink? What about Hwayoung?" Wooyoung asks, taking a peek at the textbook that's making everyone lose their minds. The owner is nowhere in sight, probably still showering to get rid of the dirt and blood he had gotten on his hands.

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