36 [exchange]

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____ years ago

Oh for how you see, there is nothing stronger than someone who got their heart broken by the person they loved.

The video of Yunho marks the end of him visiting her at her prison, and even the guard outside has been changed; Remy is nowhere in sight. As she demanded noisily where they had taken him to, they only barked at her back, saying that she was the one who did it to him; indirectly telling her that she's the reason for his punishment. Since he had helped her in a way that he shouldn't, it's only the rightful punishment given to him. No words exchanged, no explanation given.

It's around one week after the last night she and Yunho had spent together that she starts feeling fatigued every time she tries to do something; she doesn't have the same energy she usually has. Her stamina winds down much faster when she was training, and this seems to be noticed by the trainers with her. At first they brush it off as simply her rebelling after knowing that she had been lied to, but soon after her condition gets worse, and she can't even heave herself up onto the monkey bars without panting every hour or so.

"What are you doing?" the trainer shouts at her, banging the club he's holding against the monkey bars. "Finish the course!"

She tries to reach out for the bars but she doubles over, holding on to her stomach with one hand and the other snaking to her mouth, covering it. She runs away from the course, immediately summoning multiple guards to chase her down in fear of her escaping to somewhere else, so she stops in the middle of the training room. The nausea she feels isn't going away, and it's scratching at the back of her throat as she forces her emetic reflex to dampen. It continues for several weeks until one day she's completely burnt out only after a lap, vomiting not long after she finishes the final obstacle.

She is brought to the infirmary - with guards flanking her at every corner - and gets inspected by the woman in a white coat. She lies there helpless, without anyone caring for her by her side, being told that her symptoms are confirmed; she's pregnant. Her hand rests weakly on her belly as her heart gets wrenched at the thought of him. She gets visited again by the general director, but this time it seems that she's restraining herself from landing her hand on Eunbi's flesh.

The director looks at her with an unreadable expression as Eunbi protectively covers her belly with her hand.

"Please... don't do anything to my child."

"You're only several weeks pregnant and you're already calling it your child," the director's voice booms through the infirmary. "Not to mention that it's the child of a man who never meant it when he said he loved you."

"Please..." she begs, sliding her legs up and pushing herself to lean against the headboard. "Let me keep my child."

"Such a fool," she spits. "Keeping that thing you call your child is only going to remind you of that man who betrayed your trust. Keeping that child is only going to bring you down further. Throw it away."

"How dare you!" she screams, but she might as well be whispering as it comes out as nothing but a slow breath of words. "It's my child, and it's my decision to keep it."

This time the director isn't being so passive with her as she grabs a fistful of her hair and says menacingly, "You're only 17, Trainee #899. What do you know about taking care of a child?" She releases her hair and huffs, "When you're in this facility, you follow the rules set here."

"I never follow the rules here, that's why I'm isolated from the rest of the trainees."

"What do you plan on doing if you're keeping the child? Raise it up in this facility? Allow it to grow up as a trainee, like you? You seem to be very lost on where you stand, trainee." She fixes the collar of her jacket. "You are talking as if you had a choice on where this would go. There's not a choice, let your child go."

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