67 [forgotten]

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"But what if she decides that she doesn't love me anymore and rejects my marriage proposal?" Yunho cries out as he buries his face in Seonghwa's shoulder, in which the latter is calmly sipping his juice as he narrows his eyes.

His body has been shaken violently by Yunho since after breakfast, asking for help on how he's going to propose to Byul, but it seems that the younger is too worried about the outcome rather than the actual process.

"Well-" Seonghwa starts but Yunho is quick to cut him off.

Yunho grabs Seonghwa's shoulders and shakes him hard until the latter's juice is sloshing around all over the counter and his hands. "How? How did you propose to Akira and how did she accept it so easily?" He snaps his fingers, preventing Seonghwa from answering him. "Both of you are all over each other for years so she must have been waiting for you to ask for her hand in marriage. But me and Byul?! We've only recently met and what if she thinks that marriage is too sudden for her?"

"Technically, ah-" Seonghwa slams down his unfinished juice on the counter and clamps a hand - already sticky with the juice - over Yunho's mouth so that he'll not be interrupted again. "You met her first as Lee Eunbi and you met her again as Han Byul. Nothing has changed except that both of you now have Hwayoung. And don't say that because all of us can see how very much in love both of you are. A marriage proposal," he shrugs, "is just waiting to happen."

"You think so, Seonghwa?" he sticks out his lower lip, tears at the brim of his eyes. "But you- you made it sound so easy when you proposed to Akira."

Seonghwa takes a moment to think before pressing his lips together. "To be fair, I woke up from a deep sleep after almost a day, and when I saw her beside my bed I had the impulse to do it. It came out as easy as when I asked her what she wanted to eat for breakfast."

"What is that piece of advice?"

The oldest drains his juice before looking at Yunho dead in the eyes. "Don't think, just do."

"Ahhh..." Yunho nods seriously as he grabs Seonghwa's hands and puts them to his chest. "Thank you, you are indeed the wisest."

"Uhm, right." He forcefully pulls back his hands while putting on his best judging face. "Now that I think about it, it does seem embarrassing though. I was wrapped up like a mummy and I had the audacity to ask for her hand in marriage like that." He purses his lips as a dreamy look passes over his face and he bunches up his shoulders. "I'm happy that she actually agreed to it."

"When do you plan on carrying out the ceremony?" Yunho blinks as he leans forward.

"Well..." He takes the glass to the sink, rinses it before leaving it to dry. He washes his hands. "We were planning on doing it as soon as possible but with all the uncertainty about handing the evidence to the authorities, we don't know whether we should go on with it or wait for things to settle down first. But that's the thing," he stops, releases a sharp breath and shakes his head. "If we get caught... If I leave her again after asking her to marry me, I simply don't deserve her. Plus," he chuckles though, "to be honest we are waiting for you to ask Byul for her hand in marriage."

Yunho frowns and inhales. "Why?"

"Didn't you hear the rest of the boys yapping about it?" Seonghwa links his hands behind him. "They couldn't wait for a double wedding. Apparently, according to Hongjoong it's more economical. So if you got on with giving the ring to Byul," he jokes, "the faster we could plan for a wedding on the same day. Provided that both of you agree with it, though. Akira and I don't mind. Plus, it's not like we'll have different guests. We all literally only know the same group of people."

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