46 [theme]

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"Byul-ie! We- are- going- to- the- theme- park- today-" With every word Hwayoung does a dance to the left, then to the right, before jumping up and down on the balls of her feet.

The moment Byul and Yunho appeared at the door to Akira and Emira's unit, she ran towards the entrance, tangling the woman in a hug and completely disregarding her father. She is dressed up for the trip to the theme park, with Emira helping to bring her luggage that also contains her swimsuit and her arm floaties.

The two sisters have gotten ready too, Emira looking extra as she already has her shades on, shorts and a spaghetti strap top, proudly displaying the tattoos she has all over her body. Meanwhile, Akira follows from behind with her opting for a plain crop top white t-shirt and cargo pants, the piercing near her belly button glinting in the light as she closes the door behind her.

"Here you go, it's my spare swimsuit. Since you said that you didn't have any, you can keep it." Akira hands it over, and Byul takes it with a blush on her cheeks as Yunho glances at the onepiece swimsuit. He says nothing before taking Hwayoung's hand in his, walking ahead of them.

"Is Jeong Yunho okay? Why does he seem so cold today?" Akira comments as the three women walk side by side to go to the minibus driven by Hongjoong waiting for them at the parking lot.

"Maybe he's just shy knowing that you're going to wear that swimsuit," Emira nudges Byul. "It might be just me but I think Yunho's got a thing for you, Byul. He might be a single father but if he does like you, it's like you won the lottery. That guy's heart is as hard as stone when it comes to women. Wouldn't let us near his daughter at first, but thank the skies for Seonghwa."

"Emira, I really think you need to find something else to talk about other than someone else's love life. It's getting pretty annoying."

"Well, my lovely sister, how can I not when all I see are fairytales around me? Seonghwa and you, Yunho and Byul... let's see, even though Wooyoung is annoying he looks like he has a girlfriend who can actually stand him. Maybe even Yeosang and San, who knows? I'll just stay here and be the spectator because no one," she sniffs, "would like me."

"What about Mingi?" Akira offers with a naughty smile on her face as they join Yunho and Hwayoung in front of the lift. "Mingi's a nice guy and he's very tall... so you don't have to worry about your boyfriend being shorter than you."

"You like Mingi?" Yunho asks Emira as they wait for the lift. Hwayoung lets go of his hand and goes towards Byul instead, unable to contain her excitement at the prospect of spending time at the theme park with all of her uncles, aunts and dad. "If you really like him I can set both of you up. You need to be a bit gentle with him though; he's a giant but he's very fragile."

"Well yeah, su..re..." Emira shoots daggers at Akira. "My sister's only messing with me. I like all of you as friends, nothing more. If there's anyone I'd like it's Seonghwa. He's the man of my dreams."

"No you can't-" Akira quickly refutes, to which Emira laughs.

"See? I told you that you like Seonghwa a lot, and you get defensive when I said I like him. I'm just joking, I don't see him as that because all I see is a child stuck in a man's body, desperately wanting love from you. You like him too, so why deny it all the way? Right, Byul? If you like someone, just tell them straight to their faces, or else you'll regret it for the rest of your life when the chance is gone."

"Yeah, they should..." she says subconsciously as she looks at Yunho's back, still thinking about the kiss they shared yesterday.

After the mission was declared over, they returned to their vehicles with not much of a conversation. There was something awkward or tense in the air as they sit at the back of the car, Seonghwa taking his place as the driver.

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