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(I'm trying my best to write in an old English type of thing, but I'm mostly following The Odyssey, and it's kinda weird.)

In her grand room, Melpomeni sat and watched the stars as they twinkled brilliantly in the sky.

Though it was a sweet sight, she felt lonely and fraught for she still wasn't married, well mostly that she didn't have some one to share these days and nights with, besides her parents.
It is her choice though, and upset it makes her when her dear parents banter and continuously remind her of the many fine suitors their daughter has.

She never cared for her wedlock or the men that come to gaze at her and ask her father for her hand in marriage.
Never did the young lady ask to be brought up the way she was, a woman of course, who must keep the house for her husband and heed his every order.
But her mind has changed and she has decided she must find someone or at least something to have as a friend. The lovely woman even thought a Cyclops would be just fine!

She sighed and prayed to the gods, the ones that hold the open sky, for advice:
"Lovely Aphrodite and Graceful Hera, I ask you help me to make a decision, one I might regret, but with your help, surely not. Please hearken my plea and help me find a husband that will not trouble me, one that I will not love, but will fill the loneliness that visits me. Graceful Hera, help me to find a willing man. And lovely goddess Aphrodite, help me not to love him."
And the goddesses listened to the lonely woman who placed herself into her bed now. And said Graceful Hera : "Poor mortal, do you hear Aphrodite? She prays to us for help, but there is no man willing  to marry and live with a woman who does not love him."

Then laughed Lovely Aphrodite: "Yes, I hear. Do you think she is a lonely fool? Ha! She desires a wish we cannot make. This reminds me of Calypso and Princely Odyseus. "
The other goddesses around them giggling at the mortal woman's state, Hera furrowing her brow and looking upon the immortal women around her, then saying: "She only wants a companion. Do not act so scathing!"
A few goddess giggled to themselves still, and spoke beautiful and stout Artemis:
"Then find her a willing man, fit for her needs and find him with grace and beauty, one to match her own."

Turning her back to the goddess, Graceful Hera had a smile across her beautiful face: "I will find a suitable man and bring him upon their home, listen should  Generous Cassius and he will give plentiful food and drink to the man. Though Aphrodite, I cannot stop her from loving this man if she ever does, when it comes to this, our mortal woman's heart is in your powerful hands. " But deathless
Aphrodite did not care for Graceful Hera's words, she did not want to fulfill this mortals wishes, she did not even give  offering to the lovely goddess.

"I will not take part in this, and concern myself with such a pitiful creature. Ask yourself for any other goddess." And with her sharp words Aphrodite marched away past all of the silver and gold trimmed tables, Hephaestus's workings.

Graceful Hera did not understand of the goddesses ways, but took forth nonetheless and searched for a man to send to the lonely mortal woman's side.

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