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(I'm not gonna be so extra with this chapter.)

As the rosy hued morning woke, so did beautiful Melpomeni, she dressed in fine robes and placed a silver girdle around her waist.

Never did she know what to do with herself in the mornings because of her loneliness that ate away at her. Her father, Generous Cassius and mother Ocrates didn't amuse her like they used to.

"My beautiful daughter, come and embrace your mother. It has been days since you last left your room for anything more than supper."  Ocrates chimed as Melpomeni stepped into the great opening of the room.

"Forgive me mother, I have been tired of late. " She lied and embraced her dear mother.
"Is that so? Then I suppose you would be too tired to go play games with the low girdled women of this town. " Her mother spoke and a large smile hit Melpomenis face.

She told a maid to ready a chariot for her leaving and to load it with bread and wine and dainties.
Once that was done she put herself in the chariot and bid the mules to make their way to the creek where the low girdled women play. Melpomeni being the only demure one of any of them.

They prance around naked and toss a ball made of goat skin to one another and sing and when it is time to eat, they pray to the gods and pour sweet wine, and pour Mighty Zeus a cup as well.

These being the only times that beautiful Melpomeni doesn't feel lonely and doesn't realize it is a friendship that she yearns, not a spouse.
The women shared tales of men they've met, of god like ones and ones ungodly like.
"It seems I am the only one without a good story to tell. I have yet to meet a man that caught my eye, nor my heart. I prayed to the gods for a man I could marry and not love, just a few days ago and I am unsure of their answer. It is a strange request I know, but I am unsure of what else to do. "
Spoke beautiful Melpomeni.

"Friend, give the gods their time to find you a willing man, it is not everyday you hear a woman say she wants to marry and not love. " Said a lovely friend of Melpomeni, Zetia. And so the beautiful women laughed and enjoyed their time together, and departed their ways home as the sun was going down past where the mortals couldn't see.

As Melpomeni entered upon her house, her mother was weaving a lovely robe for herself and her father, Generous Cassius, sat upon a chair, watching his honorable wife work and drank wine.
"I will leave to my bed and rest, goodnight. " Melpomeni spoke and exited the room.

Upon her bed she lay, suddenly not desiring rest. A sigh escaped her mouth and she prayed once more to the gods, that hold the open sky, for news upon her wish:
"Graceful Hera and Lovely Aphrodite, is answered my prayers? Days have been past and I lay and waste with this aching in my heart. I question you for this wait, but in you I still trust. Please, immortal beings, fill me with ease."
Fortunately, the only goddess to hear of this was Graceful Hera, whom frowned upon her prayer. Upset she felt for her dear mortal woman, and thus she spoke:
"Worry not my darling mortal, I will give you a man soon so your loneliness will be eased! Till then, sleep my child. "

And the goddess bid Melpomeni's eyes shut, and placed a restful sleep upon her.

Melpomeni The Eyeful Where stories live. Discover now