As the rosy hued morning woke, as did the men and woman.
They spent their day outside packing their things and practicing with swords.

And the goddess Athene, in disguise of a worthy looking man  made way to the army so that she could put courage in all the men's hearts and watch over them as they fight.
And right as the warrior goddess stepped onto the army's ground, a man hurried in on horse and called for the general.
"Leodius! The Athenians are setting camp now, right between those mountains, we must march now before they sack another town!"
And thus saying Leodius furrowed his brows: "But I've told the Persians that I would be sending my whole army... We have only three hundred men! And the others are on their way now. "
And answered him the mounted man: "Then even with this small number, you must leave now, or another hill of families will be killed."

And so Leodius began his march.
His three hundred men and the seven hundred of an ally.
And as they marched, men played flutes and string instruments for a beat so that they where in unison.
And Melpomeni made her way to Hortensias, who was closer to the front.
And thus she spoke: "Do you have fear for what is to come?"
And he simply shook his head, for he did have some fear, then the disguised goddess Athene, whom was at the back put courage in his heart, and thus he spoke: "I will either live or die, but I know that the gods are on our side. So what is there to be afraid of? "
And the lovely woman smiled at him and they made way to camp.

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