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As the rosy hued morning woke, as did the Spartans.
They received a note from the Athenian's king, Xerxes, stating where they would begin their first fight, and the men readied themselves, very few of the men were scared, for they knew the gods where on their side.

Melpomeni strapped her sword to her waist, following the way Hortensias did.
And the men marched toward their destination, and whence they arrived, the Athenians stood before them, out numbering them by hundreds.

King Xerxes sat himself aside on a hill and watched, too much of a coward he was to set foot onto this field.
Even the charming Artemisia stood by her men.

And when general Leodius swung his mighty sword in the air, the Spartans charged and the swinging and clashing of metal was ubiquitous.
Melpomeni was closer to the back, disguised Athene close to her, as she put courage into the hearts of the  Spartans.
Right as Melpomeni went to swing, an Athenian swung his sword at her, slicing her arm and almost hitting her chest, as she moved, another Spartan rammed in and stabbed him, he folded to the ground with a hiss and Melpomeni watched as his life left his body.
This made her uneasy and she realized that this was no game and that that man could be her, she now wanted to be home.

The disguised goddess was slaying men as fast as they came, and soon the Athenians were being pushed back by the Spartans, and once the Athenians realized this, they fled.

The Spartans watched with pride as their foes ran, and after all were gone, they too left and headed back to camp, desiring rest.

Literally the Spartans:

Literally the Spartans:

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The men walked back to their camp, they started fires and roasted food and mixed honey and wine.
Soon enough they had a feast.
Melpomeni ate to her fill and left the table to bathe in the flowing river.
Whence she was there, Hortensias came running and thus asked: "Where are you going?" He sounded worried and this made Melpomeni laugh a little: "I came only to bathe in this flowing river, would you like to join? It isn't unbearably cold. "

And Hortensias replied: "No, I am ashamed to bare myself before you. "
And thus said the beautiful woman: "If that is so, then I will turn away. " And so she turned away and waited to for him to undress and enter the water, and she did the same.

And they bathed and spoke of the war and how it made her feel when she saw the life leave a man, and spoke Hortensias: "It made me feel I had a power over those I slew. "
Melpomeni made a little gasp: "That is a wicked thing to say!......but I understand." And they joked, though in their hearts the war did give them fear, for they knew not of their fates. Though, Hortensias only cared to die if it wasn't a heroic death. Melpomeni, did not want to die at all, she wanted to live her life lonely or not.

They left the river, both gleaming with grace and beauty and made way back to camp.
Soon, night fell and everyone fell asleep, preparing for the fight tomorrow.

Leodius stood with his trusted advisor as they spoke of a plan for the fight, and as they were speaking, an old man came quick down the hill and appeared before Leodius: "Sir, if I may bring you any help, there is a pass between two mountains, narrow and difficult to pass about. If you take your strong men through this, your foes are sure to surrender." And Leodius smiled at the old man and held his forearms: "Thank you sir! I will give you gold and my favorite bronze tipped blade for your words. "

But the old man shook his head with a chuckle: "No, I have no need for those. I only wanted to help, if I where a boy, I'd be fighting for you as well!"
And he left the camp, far up the hill where his house is.
"After this fight, we will look for this pass and this war will end there, we will o'er throw them once and for all!"

Though for Xerxes, he was enraged with this loss: "How could I have lost to such a pitiful army! What am I to do now?"
And answered him his trusted servant: "My lord, let us send in the immortals, there is no way that they could o'er throw them!"

The immortals were the kings best fighters, only used for dire times like these. And so he spoke: "We will, but this is your idea, if they lose its your fault. "
And his servant bowed and left the grand room to give orders to the men.

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