(I'm gonna write kinda normally on this one)

Graceful Hera smiled upon them as they rode quick, like the Speedy-comer, Hermes, and talked about the war and such.

Melpomeni spoke to Hortensias after they had stopped for rest by a creek: "After this war is fought, would you be willing to marry me, though I will not love and cherish you? But I will be by your side, I know it is a strange request, but will you?"
Hortensias gave a nervous laugh to the woman, and his sister, who was drunk, waved about them and put an arm over the beautiful woman and said grumbles of words which no one could understand.
"Melpomeni, I don't know you very well, but I am very glad you chose to join in the army, but I'm not so sure of marriage. "
Said Sharp Hortensias and his answer made the lovely woman frown.

"We will see if your mind changes in time." And with that statement she turned from his speechless self and boarded the chariot.
Never could a woman make Witty Hortensias speechless, but this random woman whom he stumbled upon had no trouble in doing so.

After the horses rested, they took off again, trying to reach the city of Sparta.

The golden goddess Aphrodite cast her eyes at the two, not really minding the sister of Hortensias who was thrashing about, acting stupidly, as Aphrodite thought.
The stout goddess Artemis neared her and smiled at the two, and the sister that was simply embarrassing herself.
"A strange relationship they have. Will you give him love for her? Or will you let them simply be?" Asked the newly arrived goddess.

"I will not help these mortals, and I will not force a man to be with a woman he does not care for. " Her words where bitter.
"Haha. I believe situations like this is what keeps me going, I admire their relationship. It is strange, she does not love him, nor does he love her, but she is determined to win him because she is thankful for her gift." Laughed Stout Artemis and she wisked away, bidding good fortune to the three, so that their travels would be easy.


And far away from earth, the gods and goddesses drank ambrosia and wine which Bacchus poured and cheered with glee as they joked and played about, acting like children.
Aphrodite neared them and seemed to catch the eye of
Pleasant Hestia, who appeared before the lovely goddess and asked: "Dear friend, your expression worries me, what is it that troubles you?" And over-hearing her question, strode around Hermes, the trickster, to which he had a grin upon his face.
"What troubles her is the mortal Melpomeni, daughter of Cassius. She is distraught because the woman didn't give her an offering with her prayer." He mocked and crossed his arms with a smile.
"Do not mock me, for I could easily jest of your bird feet. "
He gasped, and looked at his feathered feet in which he loved.
"Oh please do not argue!" Hestia cried, her elegant face showed her saddened emotion.

All this being too dramatic for her, Aphrodite sighed and took herself to her home and slept not too soundly that night.

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