As the rosy hued morning woke, Melpomeni did as well by an old maid who readied her with a bath, and after she bathed her, anointed her with oil and dressed her in robe and tunic.

"Daughter, why is it you are up so early? Bidding our friends goodbye?" Generous Cassius questioned, but Bold Melpomeni took her father's hand into her own and thus she spoke:
"No dear father, I am bidding you goodbye, for I am joining their leave. And I will fight beside Hortensias, and marry him after the war is resolved."

Generous Cassius stood quiet, he was proud of his daughter's bravery, proud enough he, to himself, granted permission to Hortensias for his daughter's hand, and poor Hortensias had no mind for any of this going on.

"My dear, I am proud, but I cannot let you leave. It would be a weight on mine and your honorable mother's heart. Please stay, and you and Hortensias will meet again, for I will take you to him in Sparta. "
But Bold Melpomeni had in her mind that she was determined to leave with Hortensias and stay by him for as long as she can.
"Father, the loneliness that visits me has been a weight on my own heart long enough, I will return home to you with Hortensias by my side and we will be seen as honorable by the Spartans. "
Generous Cassius lowered his head, knowing his dear daughter was determined to leave home, and scared was he for he knew his daughter could die on the battlefield, for she knew only a little with a sword.

And thus he spoke, sadness in his words: "Very well my brave daughter, for when you return not only will you be seen as honorable to the Spartans, but to our people and the very gods as well."
Melpomeni kissed her father's cheek and awaited for the siblings, and when they were ready to leave, she bid her crying mother goodbye, and off to Sparta they were.

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