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The rosy fingered morning woke as the Spartans prepared for combat.
The disguised goddess Athene put courage into the hearts of these men and they became fearless. They practiced swinging their swords at wooden poles, loosening their limbs.
Bold Melpomeni thus spoke to the witty Hortensias: "My friend, let us also prepare for this fight one on one."
And Hortensias straight way replied: "Ah, as the great gladiator Crixus, I will win this fight!" And he lunged at the woman, his strength almost completely making her collapse as they blocked their swords.
He had pushed her to the ground, but she still held up.
He thus spoke in humored words: "And I believed you would have been a real challenge!"
Melpomeni raised a smile to her face and grabbed her shield that lay untouched beside her, throwing it at the man's side, he grimaced and fell. It was Melpomeni's turn to laugh, but as Hortensias rose, he lunged at her once more and this time knocking them both to the ground as hearty laughter arose from them.
And thus Hortensias spoke: "Though you are not the strongest, you are quick, like Spartacus! My most favorite gladiator."
Melpomeni added: "Like Crixus's dear friend?"
And Hortensias smiled and gently moved a strand of hair from her face: "Yes, his dear friend."
Another soldier looked down at them and scoffed at their kindly state and he thus spat: "Up, you love sick fools. There is a war taking place and you play like children. Have you any shame? Men are dying."
Hortensias straitened himself quickly and spoke: "Forgive us. I will not make an excuse for I know we are in the wrong. You will not see this behavior again." He looked down at Melpomeni with a stern expression and she too stood and hung her head. The soldier eyed them and made way back to a group of men who worked at pinning chickens.
After while, Leodius split his men into their groups and looked about the crowd with pride.
He thus spoke: "Fearless all of you have become. I am proud at heart for all of you, especially the ones that have come so far to support us. You will be seen as honorable by Spartans, and the mighty gods themselves!"
The men cheered as their captain led their way to the shameless king, the other group heading towards the pass with pride in their own hearts.
As the group marched through the pass, the Athenians burst from the trees, teeth bared, as they battle cried and swung their swords at the Spartans. The leader the Spartans, Achorus, thus yelled with winged words: "Phalanx formation men! Phalanx formation!" And the men rushed to form a shield around themselves. Melpomeni was pushed towards the outside of the shield, and struggled between the men around her. Athenians were swinging at their shields, making the Spartans struggle to hold their formation.
An Athenian that was thrashing about Melpomeni's shield was impaled by the ruthless woman. A man behind her vomited out of fear and it hit her feet. She was disgusted and this fueled her to hurry her killing.
An Athenian rammed his bronze tipped sword through a space between the shield, piercing Melpomeni's arm. She hissed and dropped her shield, only being able to support her own sword.
She fought the Athenian with fear as the Spartans around her protected her, but not enough to possibly save her. She was shaking violently from pain and adrenaline.
The Athenian tried to hit Melpomeni's head, but fortunately she dodged and the disguised Athene took charge and slaughtered the man. She brought Melpomeni to her feet and they fought until the Athenians lay dead around them.

Leodius made way to the Athenian camp to tell the king of their next war location, but the king was making his way to the Spartans, who were surprised to see him. Leodius sent a messenger on horse to ask the king of his doings.
The messenger thus asked the king: "My General needs to hear of your doings. What is it you are doing coming to us?"
And the king smiled a wicked smile and spoke: "Why, to kill everyone of you pathetic Spartans of course. I have sent a large amount of my men through the pass of mountains to your other group. Ask your general if he would like to surrender now, or I'll have his heart severed to me on a platter."
And the soldier gasped in fear: "Where have you heard of our plans? A spy? A traitor?"
And the king waved his hand to the soldier, signaling him to leave. The soldier stayed still has he looked at the king in fear, then quickly made way back to Leodius, who was not fond of this news.

Athenians burst from the trees and surround the Spartans as the king neared and thus spoke: "Surrender, and I will rid of you to some far away island where titans roam and food is scarce. Or I make slaves of you, I've heard Spartans make grand gladiators." He looked to his new trusted servant who nodded in agreement with him.
Leodius took view of the many men around him, he kept silent for a while, then spoke to the king: "The only way to rid of a Spartan is to kill him. Just know your cowardly obligatory is up front to all the gods."
  And his men nodded, their pride ubiquitous.

The king scowled and raised his arm to his men, signaling them to raise their bows. The Spartans raised their shield above their heads as the arrows pierced from the sky. Men where falling little by little, until Leodius was impaled by one.
The king signaled for his men to halt, and he thus spoke: "Give me Leodius's body and you shall live." And one of the the few surviving men stepped forward and thus spoke: "As my friend said. Continue your slaughter."
The sorry excuse of a king let his men kill them off, then they left for their camp.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2019 ⏰

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