Out of Time?

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When I arrived back home I noticed my fathers absence, it was strange for him to leave without leaving behind a note. I went straight to my room and decide to play some music.

I hadn't noticed that it was getting late until my dad call's for me from upstairs, he said that he was tired and that he had picked up some take out on his way home. We exchanged a good night and he disappears for the night. I reheat a plate after doing some of my homework. I scroll through my social media accounts and see some pictures from my old friends popping up on my feed.

On the first picture, you can see 3 girls and 2 boys running after each other with water guns in their hands, two of the girls are running from the two boys, the other girl run after the boys. I remember when I used to have fun with them, I swallow a few times to get rid of the lump in my throat.

Instead of torturing myself further, I decided to unfriend them. Something I had thought of doing ever since I heard that we were moving. It seems like they already forgotten me, so now it's time for me to forget them.

After finishing dinner I clean up my plate and decide to go to bed a little earlier than normal. Being emotional always drained my energy, so after a day like today, I always felt like I could sleep for a whole week. I'm glad I can sleep in tomorrow, was my last thought before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I'm woken up by my dad shaking me awake. "Isa, get up," he says with a little bit of panic in his voice. "Dad, it's Saturday, please let me sleep some more," I mumble back, it takes me a few seconds to notice that he wasn't waking me up for fun. I shoot up and see him sitting next to my bed. He looks a little pale and it seems like he hadn't slept for a few days.

"Everything okay, dad?" I ask carefully, afraid of what his answer was going to be. He slowly shakes his head. "I think we need to get to the hospital," he says with a weak smile. "Give me 5 minutes to get ready," I say standing up and throwing on the first clothes I get my hands on.

My dad was never one to suggest to go to the hospital when he wasn't feeling well. One time he ran a fever of 40°C (104°F) and even then he refused to go to the hospital, he said: "it'll go over with some rest." I literally had to drag him to the hospital. Turned out he had a bacterial infection. They held him overnight for observation and sent him home the next day with some antibiotics.

I rush with my dad through the doors of the hospital. I talk to the lady behind the reception and she tells me to wait in the emergency department. She gets me a wheelchair and tells me how to get there.

I set my dad in the waiting room and tell him that I'll sign him up. She asks me the standard questions like, was he in a hospital in a country out of state? Yes. Has he been in contact with a certain bacteria? No, etc etc.

She tells me to wait in the waiting room until we get called in. I sit down in the chair next to my father. I was a scared, scared that it would be back. Scared that this time I would lose him for good.

"It's going to be okay," I hear him mumble after a few minutes of silence. "It's pro ably just a cold or something harmless." How could he be so calm? I was completely freaking out but he just acts like it's nothing?

"How do you know that?" I ask quietly. I couldn't be mad at him, this was just who he was. He always cared more for others than for himself, so whenever he would get sick he would act like it was nothing. "I just know," he takes my hand in his, calming me down a little.

I look around and see an old couple sitting across from us. The man is holding his wife's hand, her head was resting on his shoulder. They seemed so calm and at peace. I couldn't help but hope that one day I would find someone who loves me as much as that couple seemed to love each other. The woman slightly turned her head and caught me staring. She gives me a gentle smile and I return it.

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