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Dedicated to my mom ♡

"His breathing was hard and heavy, his skin pale. He was so weak, so fragile. I had known him as the strongest, bravest and fiercest person. This was not him.

"Isa! Come out, come out, where ever you are!" He yelled as I climbed a little higher. I couldn't help the giggle escape my throat, quickly putting my small hands in front of my mouth. I held my breath praying he didn't hear me.

I watched him as he came closer and closer towards the tree. "Where, oh where could my little rogue be." He said turning around slowly. My foot slipped away right at that moment. I yelped and quickly closed my eyes, waiting for my body to hit the ground.

"There she is!" My dad says smiling at me once I open my eyes. That was the day my dad turned into my hero and I turned into his little rogue.

I sat beside his bed waiting for his time to go. He told me about my mom's intentions, about everything he had been hiding from me. How my mom was once a loving person, a caring wife and mother, but fame had taken her away from us. She saw me as a threat to her career when she learned about my sexuality. Even though we lived in the country who legalized gay marriage since 2001, she still thought my sexuality was going to destroy everything. She's hell-bent on 'turning' me straight.

I made the most of the time we had left together, even if it was in a hospital room, even if he was attached too a breathing machine and a heart monitor. Even if it was just for a day.

He wanted to end his life on his terms, breathing his last air instead of suffocating, with me by his side.

We hugged one last time, we said our last goodbyes before he drifted into a deep sleep and never wake up.

Farwell dad, may you rest in peace.


The funeral was set for the next day. Only Ryan and I knew about it. My dad had prepared everything, not leaving anything to chance.

The days after was all about wrapping things up. Audrey had promised my dad she'd help me which she did. She helped me get a new identity, I just didn't let her in on any detail.

On Friday I went to school and talked to Ryan about my education. He had set up an online schedule for me so I could finish the rest of the year from wherever.

Last but not least I had to say goodbye to you." I wipe away the few stray tears rolling down my cheeks.

The room stays dead silent, I hold my breath waiting for her to say something. My hands were suddenly the most interesting thing in the room, not daring to look her in the eyes. After what seems like ages she finally speaks.

"Why are you so afraid of your own mother? She is just one person, we could surely come up with something to keep her away?" I shake my head and sigh.

"If only. She has an old mindset, following 'the believes of God.' Being gay is a sin in her eyes, and since she has a reputation to uphold she'll do anything to turn me straight, or maybe even find a way to kill me." I laugh awkwardly while scratching the back of my neck. Please don't ask, please don't ask, I chant in my mind.

"What do you mean to find a way to kill you?" Of course, she would.

"She tried to kill me once." I avert my eyes towards the coffee table next to us. I never told anyone about her attempt to kill me, only my dad and me knew about it. I take a deep breath, trying to regain my confidence. "Remember when I told you about why we moved here?" I lift my head and look her straight in the eyes. "Part of it was true. I was bullied, I was humiliated. After my mom found out she did want to put me in one of those awful rehabilitation camps. My dad stopped her and everything returned normal for a little while, that was until my dad asked for a divorce. I was upstairs sleeping when he told her. She waited until he was fast asleep and came into my room with a glass of water."

"Honey, wake up, you've been screaming, did you have a bad dream?" She said in her motherly voice. This was the first time she spoke to me like this since 'I came out.'

"Here drink this, it'll help you calm down."

I took a big sip. I was still very sleepy, so my brain wasn't thinking straight.

My hands start shaking thinking about it. I feel her arms slide around me, pulling me into her embrace. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me right now." She says with her soothing voice.

Tears start to stream down my face. "I- I want t-to tell you." I manage to say between the sobs.

"And you will tell me once you're ready, but for now you need to rest." She whispers in my ear soothingly. She pulls me into her lap, laying my head in the crook of her neck while putting her arms around me.

"Thank you for being so incredibly patient with me," I mumble into her neck.

How did I get so lucky with her? I've been incredibly selfish, I was never there for her, but somehow she's still here. I know nothing about her family or what she's been up to for the past 3 years and neither does she, but there was one thing I did know.

I was going to give her everything she ever wanted and do everything in my power not to fuck this up because somehow she had managed to make her way into my heart. Slowly breaking her way through.

Hey beautiful humans!

Thank you for the kind words and being so incredibly patient. This is a small chapter, but I didn't want to leave you all hanging.

My mom finished her first chemo about a week ago. Her second chemo starts in 2 weeks. She is doing well and I had sometime to wrap my head around things. This chapter is dedicated too my mom, even though she'll never read it. (She doesn't understand English.)

Stay awesome, be yourself and I hope to see you in the next chapter! (Whenever that may be)

Lots of love


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