Cleaning Out My Closet

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Forgiving someone is the hardest thing you could ever do, but what does forgiving someone really mean? You can forgive someone because you want to give them another chance, or because you love them and want them around. Whatever your reason might be it's never an easy thing to do.

Imagen walking on the street when someone bumps into you, at first you might be angry or confused. You might say something to the person, or they might say something to you. Continuing your journey you'll think about the strange encounter you just had, but something catches your eye, making you forget the stranger for a little while. You come home, and remember that person again, the emotions and the seconds after coming back for a moment. You almost never think about that person the following weeks unless something reminds you off it, this happens for the next few months until you forget that moment altogether.

Without thinking about it, you might have forgiven a person you didn't even know needed forgiving.


The moment I wake up I feel strange, my heart feels heavy and it feels like I've been carrying a bag full of rocks with me. Hayley wasn't in the room and I figured the rest of the band was out exploring Amsterdam or still in bed resting.

My original plan was to take Hayley out and explore the city or take her to the beach, but my mind is not feeling it today. All I want is just to crawl under my blanket and disappear for a while. Just a moment of not constantly being busy, doing everything that's asked of me.

So that's exactly what I do. I pull the blanket over me while I let my feelings take over. I grab my phone from under my pillow, writing down the things that are running through my mind. The voice in my mind is extra-loud today, making me feel even worse than before.


It's like a record on repeat with no way of turning it off.

Nobody would miss you.

I put on some music to detract me from the voice which seems to become louder and louder with each passing second. Rolling over I put my face in my pillow and scream as loud as I can, not caring if one of the other guests might hear me. The heaviness in my chest lights up a little as I scream until the last bit of oxygen is pressed out of my lungs.

This was enough for me to jump out of bed and finally do what I should have done a long time ago. I'm done running,  I'm done playing her little game. Focussing on that thought I make my way over to the one person I never wanted to disappoint, my mother.

Hayley's P.O.V.

I know Isa doesn't want to follow the plan Audrey came up with, but I couldn't just sit by and do nothing. Isa might pretend she can handle this all on her own, but she can't. She might not know it but I do. I'll be her eyes when she is temporally blinded, her mouth when she won't stand up for herself, her shield whenever she needs it, Her shoulder to cry on and her light when hers doesn't have the power to shine.

That's why I left early this morning without telling her about my whereabouts. I feel terrible for leaving her alone in our bed, but this was the only thing I could do to make her feel better.

"Hi Daryl, I'm ready," I say as soon as the call connects. My heart was racing a million miles per hour as I wait for him to start.

"Good evening LA, we got a special guest for you tonight, with me on the phone is Hayley Morgan all the way from the Netherlands. Some might know her from her appearance in Forbes magazine last month, others might have recognized her from a video that was recently uploaded to the internet. Today I have the honour to ask her some questions regarding the recent scandal surrounding The Rascals." Isa told me she liked him the most out of all the radio hosts, he was respectful and he didn't push you for answers if you didn't want to talk about it. "So first of all, tell us about the video, what was that all about?"

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