Some Bad News - Personal

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Hello my beautiful readers,

This is sadly not a story update, don't worry I'm not giving up on this book, but I don't know when I'll be able to update.

You see, I got some bad news today, my mom her cancer has spread and has grown. The doctors say she has about 6 to 8 months left to live with no chance of recovery. There was none, to begin with, but now they gave us a life expectancy.

I'm scared, sad and have a lot on my shoulders at the moment.

I'll write whenever I feel up to it, or whenever my mind is up for it. I'm going to enjoy the time I got left with her, go to chemotherapy with her, and make sure she's loved and comfortable. I have my own life to deal with aswell as being the caregiver for my mom.

In return, all I can ask for is your patience, your understanding in this hard time for my family and me. I don't want to let you all down and I don't want to write half-hearted chapters. You guys and this book deserve the best I can offer and I don't think I can give my all if my mind is elsewhere.

Thanks for taking the time to read this book,  and I hope you'll look forward to the next chapter!

I'll try to keep you guys posted on things such as updates for the book and my personal life on my profile if you want, if not, I'll hope to see you in the next chapter!

Lots of love and kindness♡,

Your Author C

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