A Lonley Road

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It's funny how your world can come crashing in just a few seconds. Everything is fine one moment and the next your world seems to be upside down.

That's a little how I was feeling now. My dad had sent me home after the doctor told him that he needed to stay for a few more tests. Of course, I argued with him, but he wouldn't have it and sent me away.

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom. My stomach growls at me. I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning. I slowly get up and make my way to the kitchen. I don't really feel like eating, so instead, I make some coffee and grab a banana.

After my small breakfast, I decide to head back to my room. I hear my phone vibrate just when I let myself fall down on the bed. Without looking I search under my pillow. When I can't find it fast enough I lift my head up and throw the pillow to the other side of the room. I spot my phone and answer it without looking at the number.

"Hello," I mumble uninterested.

Hello, Isa, is that you?

"Yes, what do you want?" I know all to well that she would never call me unless she needed something.

Can't I just call my daughter? Without having to need something from you?

"Nope, not falling for it, what do you need?" I was getting irritated. She would never call me without having to need something. Last time she called was when I was still living in the Netherlands and she needed me to convince my dad to give her money.

I have tried to reach your dad but he doesn't pick up, can you ask him something for me?

I snort at her question. "No I will not ask him anything for you, go ask someone who cares," I say to her very calmly before pressing the end call button.

I turn my phone on silent, throw it next to me and sigh. Why can't she just leave us alone, she was the one who left us not the other way around. I grab my phone and lift myself off the bed. I need to clear my head, sitting here wouldn't do me any good. I quickly change into my usual black attire, I grab my jacket and keys before heading out the door. I open google maps and search for a park or a spot where I could be alone for a while. I attach my phone to my steering wheel once I found what I was looking for.

I arrive at the edge of the small forest just under 20 minutes. I might have broken a few speeding laws on the way here, but who cares right. If I go to jail or if I die no one would miss me anyway.

I park my bike on the nearest parking lot and make my way over to the edge of the forest. I can hear the birds sing from the top of the trees. I spot a small path and make my way towards it. It doesn't seem like a lot of people come through here.

The trees around me where taller then the trees I had seen around the city, leaves from last year were still laying on the ground. The further I got the harder is it was to get past the bushes and weeds. I was about to head back when I spot something glistening through a thick bush in front of me.

I push some of the branches out of my way and push through the bush. I almost fall when I get through it. When I look up I'm met by a beautiful, small lake. Around it stood different kind of flowers, there stood one big rock just next to the lake. Dragonflies and butterflies were flying around and above the water. It was such a beautiful sight.

I make my way over to the rock and notice it was a little too big for me to climb on, I decide to sit on the side that was covered in moss.

A dragonfly made its way towards me. He started to fly around me and I follow it with my eyes. He has a brown body but his tale is red on top and white at the bottom. He was flying from left to right as if he was studying me as I was studying him. After a few seconds, he flew away again, leaving me alone to enjoy the scenery around me.

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